Are there any 'true' churches ?

by Qcmbr 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • upside/down


    If your reference to "church" is defined as "organized religion".

    Definitely NO!

  • berylblue
    Just a question because of course we all either believed we were in the 'truth', are still in the 'truth' have left and found the 'truth', there is no 'truth' or that the only truth is found in the trailer park with a bottle of bud and a bunch of 'pozzies:)

    There are no true chuches, but there are true liquor stores. I'm with you on that one. My truth comes out of a nice bottle of Merlot these days, and I've never been happier.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    So many times after leaving people continue this quest thinking well, that was a pack of lies but someone must have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. But as several of you have stated very well I don't think that any one does, at least not in the sense that we were taught that there was a truth

    Well said BigDog - I think that about says it for me too. What a mind-warp they put on us - huh?


  • truth_about_the_truth

    True churches - No

    Truth - yes. Not found in any organized group or denomination of any kind. No one group or individual has a monopoly on it. It's there to be discovered by all.

  • holly

    No. i dont think so. i grew up force fed on church. ive been to them all. some shortly, and some for longer periods of time.

    they all teach different things. much of what they teach is unscriptural, and some of what they teach is completely against scripture - where does it say in the bible that its okay to pray to the virgin mary? ask ten people in any church what they believe about a certain scripture, and you will likely get 10 different answers. there is a common thread in that they believe Jesus died to save from sin. anyone believing in him can get everlasting life. they dont mean 'exercising faith' they mean just 'believe'. apparently that believe leads you naturally to a cleaner life, trying to please god. well, with most of the christians i know, it doesnt and hasnt worked that way.....there are good ones - but they no better than the average law abiding non-believer

  • JamesThomas

    Blind to the truth within ourselves, it is unlikely we will see any truth out there.


  • Valis
  • whyamihere

    Thats funny Valis!

    I remember when I was young ....I was mad at my Mom so I asked her if I had to Love Jehovah more than her...she said yes you do...I said Good!


  • indispair

    Let me explain with a question. How many diet plans are there in the world? They all claim to work. Some with quick fixes, others with sheer will power, still others that make you eat nothing but tree bark and water. And of course there is heroin and brown rice, vegetable mix only as a lot of models have tried.

    My point, the answer is balance. What works for some might not work for others. We each struggle with different metabolisms (religious topics of discussion) and you have to pray and have faith that until Jesus comes and tells you which one was right everyone is only guessing anyway. The holy spirit works in all of us. I have struggled with this issue myself and now I am raising children and want to know what to tell them. I am going to teach them what I missed being one of Jehovah's Witnesses which is - God is as merciful as he is just, he loves us and if we are working to have a better understanding of him and try to live our lives in accordance with his plans and most importanltly keep it simple. This is not works related but faith related.

    Just a thought.


  • myelaine

    The Church is the greatest and most important institution in the world. The foundation for the church as a society among men was laid by the Son of God himself, and it was inaugurated under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It was established that men might POSSESS a spiritual habitation, a home of the soul.

    The church is a redemptive force, the only redeeming agency through which the Holy Spirit works for the salvation of men. The church represents life-giving realities. In the midst of the variable, the transient, and the unstable, men turn to it for certainty, security, and a sense of the abiding and eternal. It has been the guardian of humanity's highest ideals and aspirations.

    "I will build my church; and the gates of hhell shall not prevail against it" Matt 16:18 The church began its mission on the Day of Pentecost and "there were added unto them about three thousand souls" Acts 2:41 The church is everlasting! The church includes all the truly born-again souls, lovers of truth who accept the bible as thier rule of faith.The church of God includes all who preach all of the New Testament and endeavor to practice all of it, to stretch and strive to match the standard set by the morning church. With government acceptance the "church" became popular and gradually lost its purity and power, as more and more unredeemed persons were accepted as members. Today more than ever before you will not find the church in a particular building. Today, there are too many "churches". Jesus said I will build my church. not two or three or 300, one. Is the security promised and love for the Kingdom of God in your heart? The church is "still" everlasting.

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