who is who on here??

by holly 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • holly

    I know there are mostly ex jw's on here. i just wondered how many of you are ex jws, left or df'd, how many are still in but have lost heart?

    are there any jws on here who still believe its all the truth, go to meetings and trust the organisation?

    who has left and gone to another religion, or who is from another religion?

    who is an athiest.

    anyone left the jw's changed their mind and gone back?

    anyone, like me, had a study but not been a jw?


  • Brummie

    Well I dis-assiciated myself with a 9 page letter but only after I knew for definate it wasnt the "truth", I would never go back to that disgusting movement.

    I spent a number of years being involved with various churches, but havent been involved with any for a few years now, I do like Christianity but struggle with churches.

    I'm in suspended animations as regards to spirituality at the mo

    So thats me


  • PrettyRed

    I got Df'd when I was 16 and now I am 29 going on ......(shhhh....Don't say it out loud). I was agnostic for a while but a near miss car accident leads me to believe I am not here alone. I don't know her correct name but there is a God out there.

  • rwagoner

    I was raised in the org....DA'd in 1989....always considered that I had a personal faith in God...religion is another story.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Me?Im just faded away after going for about 30 Years (virtually from a baby)and decided to drop out nearly 2 Years ago.Best thing ive ever done,though those 30 Years have left me to a small degree worrying about Armageddon etcdaft really,because its baloney...but there ya go.

    I dont believe its the truth at all.

    I would never go back,but miss some good friends.

  • Honesty

    I was a JW for 13 years when I started having problems with the conditional love they show after I became very sick. When I got a lot better physically I still saw the 'JW love' as very judgemental and conditional. About 2 years later God literally took my hand and led me out of this destructive cult. In the meantime, I searched for and found Christ and would rather die than return to that demonised religion.

  • Brummie
    I searched for and found Christ

    Too cool!


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I was raised a JW from birth but never took to it. I had questions and issues with everything from doctrine to lifestyle stuff from a young age. Around the time that I was 16 and pressure was being brought to bear regarding baptism I did a big throw down and announced that it wasn't for me and I was not having any more of it. My parents were really upset but I think they saw it coming for a long time, and since I was actually otherwise a good kid they just said fine, as long as you abide by the rules of the house we'll go with it. Since I was never baptised I never had to deal with the shunning aspect of it. Most of my family treats me quite well, sort of the lovable rouge, and we just stay off any type of religious discussion.

  • stillajwexelder

    are there any jws on here YES who still believe its all the truth NO , go to meetings YES and trust the organisation NO ?

  • Dragonlady76

    Never baptized publisher, My parents started studying when I was around 3 or 4 then they got baptized when I was 5 or 6, my whole life changed, I knew right away I did not like it, no more birthdays or christmas, being diffrent at school was to much for me, I never really paid attention to much at the meetings, my parents were very strict, (Dad is MS) I was raised an only child, and had no friends, although I am very friendly and outgoing. So I rebelled and acted out, got marked at 14 at 16 got a job & began to fade.

    My parents and I have a very good realtionship, I feel very fortunate for this.


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