..technically its not 'my' church. I figure with my tithing I've only bought the front porch.
who is who on here??
by holly 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
I was born into it. Avoided getting baptized. Left when my mom DAd herself in my teens. Haven't been a believer since I was a child but still trying to figure out what the hell happened.
Hey Holly, I've vanished, disappeared off the radar screen. Left of my own accord, because of my crimes. Turning myself in was mistaken for repentance, I was wishing to be executed by the state, I was given a reprieve, by that time, my guilt was so encompassing that the best thing I could think to do was to take myself out. I walked away in shame and disgrace. Walking off into the sunset, travelling lonely parched places, for 10 years.
Do I believe it's still all the truth? No, at least not entirely. I believe they have a sizeable portion of the biblical understanding correct. Living forever on an earth run by the Government of God, a new heavens and a new earth was promised. I still believe that God will have to eventually intervene in the affairs of mankind in order that he does not destroy the planet or mankind as whole. Death due to the diseases that are now on the horizon such as AIDS, West Nile Virus, Mad Cow Disease would seem to give rise for the need for God to interceed in the affairs of man, lest he come to be extinct all together. And surely, more plagues and maladies are just around the corner. With the spread of terrorism in the US, the possibility of biological terrorism is a distinct possibility. Magnify that times those who not only want to kill Americans with biological terror, but also want to kill everybody else on the planet who do not support their views, and you have a recepie for mass killings all over the planet, tenthousand fold. I believe the Jehovah's Witnesses have gotten only half the story right. I don't realistically see the time as being as near as they claim it to be, that as bad as things are here on the planet, they'll have to get even worse before anything is resolved via Jehovah God's intervention.
I continue to maintain confidence in Jehovah, His Son Christ Jesus and all the promises that are outlined in the Scriptures, I just no longer believe that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones who have a true relationship with the Almighty.
Born and raised. I always thought it was a bunch of horseshit from as far back as I can remember. DF'd in 1992(22 years in) with the break up with first wife. I never did anything wrong to get df'd over, I just told a couple of the elders I was fucking somebody else and to not come back to my house. I did this so my "good" JW wife would have "scriptural" grounds to get remarried.
I am now an athiest.
I was raised a witness, became less active when I moved away at 18, then moved a thousand miles away in the other direction, and faded more. Completely faded about 9 years ago.
I could not believe that God would destroy good people on earth who worship him, but just were not witnesses. Started to learn more of the real truth of the WTS, and now am firmly convinced that they are not the one true religion.
I am a nobody, a nothing, really. Just a fool on the hill, watching the sun come and go down, watching the wind blow. Unable to resist time, it pushes me forward as it does every other thing. Soon, it will push me right off the stage.
Live your life, don't live in fear or guilt. Life is not a rehearsal. God wants you to be yourself, he made you this way, don't battle it.
Puternut...That's the way I feel about it. The short way to state it is "Don't worry...Be Happy" Bit of a Canadian joke in there.
I was in the truth? as a child. I opted out as a teenager(15) seeing it as a bunch of crap. However.. Being a dummy I opted back in with the fear of 75? Stayed in,got married and tried not to think too much. Opted out in 82 with the change in DF'ing rules AGAIN.
Happy POZTATE ever since.
Hubby and I both raised as JW's. Left in our late 40's. He still believes in God & Christ. I am agnostic. Neither of us want to become involved in any kind of organized religion ever again. Neither of us DF'd or DA'd. Doing the "Fade". (Sounds like some sort of dance). But still shunned. It all made me so weary.
Cathy L.
born and raised in it.. 4th generation jw family..
faded away before my divorce because of a lack of love in the congregation , now i still believe in God (not sure in what context) that said.. , i now feel comfortable expanding my mind in things that used to be catergorized as " demonized" yoga, meditation etc.
i've been thru a lot of painful experiences and still in recovery but i have faith in my own strength and resillience (sp) and am optimistic about what the rest of my life holds.
Born and raised JW. I faded away, never got df'd but should have. I'm pretty much confused as far as religion goes. My viewpoints differ from day to day. However, I don't believe that God cares about us. If there is a God at all. I feel I wasted the first 25 years of my life living by their rules. I now despise the JW religion.