Oh yeah. I was "there".
I was 18 in Nov 1974, and got married in June 1975 to that good JW boy I found, after I realized I hated pioneering, after my parents pulled me out of school 2 years earlier. Afterall I was raised to grow up, get married, and have babies. I had enough education to be either a pioneer or a wife.
I felt if the Big A happened, well it would happen. I wasn't concerned one way or another at that time. AND I had my doubts in general.
I didn't want kids right away. NOT because it was 1975, but because I wanted our relationship and life to be stable before bringing a kid into it. Husband with good job, not janitorial, buying a house, etc. Five years into the marriage, my dad had gotten my husband on as a maintenance electrician, but no house. We were both out by then and the marriage was soooo bad there was no way I'd bring a kid into THAT.
Wasn't the Big Convention in Vancouver, Canada in 1968 an 8 day'er? Man that one was long. I had sunburnt knees! AND I remember the moon walk from the lousy TV reception in our hotel room in Burnaby.