Nina, I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your mother.
I wish you and your family well.
Tough day -- my mom died today
by cruzanheart 144 Replies latest jw friends
(((Nina))) You are an incredibly strong lady..........I'd be a mess, quite frankly........I'm really frightened of how I will deal with mom's passing when it happens.......... Terri
I'm so sorry. My condolences to the family.
I am so sorry about your Mum. You must feel like it's one tragedy after another these last few years, it just doesn't seem fair.
I can tell you've got a wonderfully loving little family around you, and I know you will all help each other through.
You are a lovely person, and lots of people will want to help, so let them. You don't have to be Superwoman.
Love & Hugs
Sorry about your loss Nina, wanted to send you a bear hug. Wishing you and yours strength & courage in your time of sorrow.
Nina - I'm sorry for today and for the last 10 years.
Same for you Dr. Watson.
No one deserves such a cruel disease.
Nina,We send our condolences from downunder on your loss .
Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie
El Kabong
I'm very sorry for your loss. My condolences.
My condolences Nina and Chris.
I appreciate how the professional caregivers made her passing comfortable. I dread the day my Myrna passes, I hope it is as peaceful as it was for your mom.
((((Nina))) I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. You have shared so much personal things about your life in such a heart felt way, that I'm just sobbing knowing that even though it was a relief, you are still grieving.
((((Chris, Jeanie & Jackson))) please be good to one another. You all are a beautiful family.