Youngest Known Disfellowshipping?

by Taylor S. 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    Hey guys ... what the youngest known case of disfellowshipping? And what's the story behind it if you know?


  • lawrence

    14 year old boy and 16 year old gal, both DFed for copulating like rats. Caught by the gal's father, an elder, and while judicials were being held. the 2 ran away and continued to copulate. End of matter, both Dfed, gal had a baby, and the boy went to glue sniffing. Father had to step down and the boy's parents moved far away from the congo. The boy ended up in a detention center for wayward kids and finally settled down into a job chasing down delinquent credit card holders.

  • TresHappy

    I heard they disfellowshipped a

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    14 year old boy and 16 year old gal, both DFed for copulating like rats. Caught by the gal's father, an elder, and while judicials were being held. the 2 ran away and continued to copulate.

    LOL. If that wasn't so funny ... it would be extremely sad. LMAO!


  • Crumpet

    me - 16 for attempted self murder, smoking, drinking, fornicating, doing drugs, disobeying my parents, stealing (milk off someone's doorstep), taking the lords name in vain, lying.

  • ValiantBoy

    Back in the days of announced disassociation, there was an 11 year old in a neighboring cong that was disassociated. It was so strange to not be able to talk to him when I saw him at meetings or assemblies. Afterall, he was just a kid. I never knew why. He later was reinstated (was that the term they used when one was no longer disassociated? It's been so long I don't remeber) and got baptized and last I knew was still an active witness.

  • candidlynuts

    there was a 14 yr old girl at our hall df'd for screwing around with a 19 yr old... i was 15 back then.. my dad commented that "they oughta take the 19 yr old out and beat the hell out of him for messing with a little girl, just because a 14 yr old has a hot tail doesnt mean he had to mess with her"

    the 19 yr old was an elders son... had been df'd and 3 mos later reinstated several times before finally dropping out of the religion and taking up fornicatin full time.

    the gal.. got reinstated, became a regular pioneer and is now married and a super dub.

    me.. i'm 40 and still waiting for my tail to get hot.

  • BrendaCloutier

    The youngest I knew of was a 16 yo girl who had been sexually used by her stepdad since she was 11. Mother caught them in bed and swore she knew nothing of it. Girl was DF's for not turning in stepdad who threatened her. Stepdad made it into alcoholism treatment before he could be DF'd

    I felt sooo sorry for her. She was a friend and I wanted so badly to hug her for all she had been through, but I couldn't.

    I was in contact with her a few years ago, and she married, has a couple of kids, and at the time was a rabid born-again christian. She refuses to talk to me now, because she found out that I have explored "pagan" spirituality. Some things and people never change.

  • Dragonlady76

    An 11 year old being df'd???????????????

    Why would parents allow an 11 to get baptized? Did this kid understand what was happening? I cannot begin to understand how anyone would shun a child, I wonder what kind of impact this must have had on the childs still developing personality? Absolutely cruel. There is no way in hell that 11 year is mature enough to fully comprehend the scope or magnitude of baptisim at that age.

    I remember in my cong there were really young kids getting baptized, one girl at 9 years old. I cannot believe the org alows this to happen, but yet marriage should be held off until "the bloom of youth has passed". Does this make sense?


  • roybatty

    I was on a JC that df'd a 16 year old for smoking. Got caught once, warned. Got caught second time, df'd. Of course, he dropped out, never to be seen again. Gee, I guess we showed him.

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