Youngest Known Disfellowshipping?

by Taylor S. 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MungoBaobab

    I can't understand all these late-teen JWs dating 14 year old girls. Hell, when I was 14 I didn't want to screw a 14 year old! I always liked twentysomethings, anything much younger is just sick.

  • Forscher

    I knew a 13 year old who was declared an unapproved associate (when that was the same as Df'ing.) for fornication. She'd been raped and become pregnant as a result ( a thirty-something-year-old man had literally kicked in the front door to her home while her parents were out and she was baby sitting). The elder who chaired the committee was an old enemy of her family and gushed at the opportunity to Df her and have the whole family shunned as well.

  • mama

    that is just plain sick, to disfellowship children. i could see that one day some kid disfellowshipped will go nuts and try to blow up a kingdom hall or something. some poor kid screws up and makes a mistake, god forbid a child makes a mistake and then is shunned by everyone, that is mentally damaging at least.makes me so madi remember the last convention my family and i attended, mostly to shut up our families, i was literally sick when i heard the talk on baptism, the speaker actually asked "young people, if you are between the ages of 12 and 19 why are you not baptized? if you are between the ages of 7 and 12 are you considering baptisim? I wanted to stand up and scream, WTF, Jesus was in his 30's you moron! They pressure kids to get baptised to up their numbers and then punish them with judical committees for being young and foolish. God, you cannot even grow up and learn from your mistakes normally. Can you tell this makes me livid?mama

  • Sparkplug

    A friend of mine in Misouri was DF'ed at 13 for making it with an elders daughter. She was a year or so older than him. He gof DF'ed and nothing happened to her. I met him when he was reinstated, but I hear now that he is older he has left. I thought it was bad happening to me at 18. Especially since the average witness kid is so much behind on everything. They may as well have been kicking a ten year old out!

  • rebel8
    "they oughta take the 19 yr old out and beat the hell out of him for messing with a little girl, just because a 14 yr old has a hot tail doesnt mean he had to mess with her"

    That was such a sick thing (of them) to say. A 14 y.o. is a child. Pedophilia should not be covered up, or dismissed using the 'hot tail' excuse. Pardon me while I go vomit now.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    Especially since the average witness kid is so much behind on everything.

    So true ...

    Witness youth are so sheltered from reality, it's a wonder one hasn't just FLIPPED-OUT yet. Then again, maybe I just haven't heard about it.


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