My deepest sympathies for your familys' loss. I have been out of the organization for a long time now. In that time, I have had to endure the deaths of my JW Sister, Mother, Grandmother, and Aunt. I was respectful in that I attended the funerals in the Kingdom Halls, sat through the disgusting talks, and felt the scorn burning into the back of my neck from all the people there that I once called family and friends. When my sister passed away, my Mom had the gall to approach me and tell me that there would be a get-together @ my Uncle's house but that if I was there, noone else would be able to come because it would be considered "socializing with me." I told her not to fret and went to a bar and got lousy. It's just a fact, I've found over the years, that you have to counteract their deluded callousness with a certain callousness of your own. I've had to learn to come to expect rediculous behavior from these people. I just figure they can't help it because they don't know any better. I don't take it too hard and let it ruin my day. In time I made a bunch of friends that care for me unconditionally and would never, ever turn their backs on me. These people are my true family. Take comfort in the fact that you have removed yourself from this soul-smothering cult. I am a much better/happier/healthier person now.Try not to let them get to you. Remember, they are all brainwashed and view scorning you and your wife a test of their faith. It's not much of an excuse, but they think they're doing the right thing.