Did stories, exaggerations and fables turn up after you left the "faith"?
Were Stories Told About You When You Left The "Truth"?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
yup..................i apparently turned into a sex crazed whore... i picked up men on the internet and was sleeping with a state trooper.. oh and THEN i was a lesbian and had 3 or 4 lesbian lovers.....
the stories make me seem a lot more interesting than the reality is lmao.
No, but I a couple people commented like "we were really surprised to hear that you got DF'd because you were always so 'strong in the truth"
franklin J
I had the same experience as candidlynuts said above.....the rumors flew that I was a drug addict; a sex addict, accused of having "illicit relations with a woman and a man" which was interesting because I was overseas, When I returned from attending college in Italy there were the elders "smacking thier chops" waiting to interrogate me.
I suppose they thought I went abroad to commit my "atrocities".
Fact is ---IT WAS ALL FALSE. HAH! I wish it were true! I would have had some fun!
Apparently, it was said that I went to see fortune tellers and had sex with under 14's. I spent time in the nick and attended group sex sessions with other apostates.
I must confess that I did have my hair dyed blonde and also bought an aubergine suit.
Oh...platform soles too.
About me? Dunno, no one talks to me much anymore. My JW family has called me "weak" and "unspiritual". One elder said, "you just don't want anyone to tell you what to do". Well, duh.
But I remember the stories that circulated when people were DAd or DFd back when I as in.
One brother DAd himself and it was gossipped that he had been reading books on demonology and became a Satanist. I found out later he had questioned the authority of the WTS and left. Wish I had gotten a chance to talk to him before he disappeared.
One sister had an affair with an elder. The elder was DFd but reinstated in less than six months. She was DFd and told to go to another hall. When the friends asked to be allowed to pick her kids up to bring to the hall, the elders said no. All blame for the adultery was pinned on her. She was a "divorcee" who "seduced" and "tricked" our elder. She was a "slut" and "temptress" and "whore". Her kids were "bastards" and products of an "evil union".
A friend of mine was DFd for homosexuality because the elders thought he was too "effeminate". They couldn't prove shit one way or the other, but because he wasn't into sports or cared about cars and liked Broadway music and cooking, he had to be "gay". They got two brothers to concoct a story about him and they had their two witnesses and he was outed. It's a long and sordid story, but I knew he wasn't gay. I can't prove the two "witnesses" were lying, but I knew they weren't to be trusted in anything else so why believe them in this. They didn't like my friend because he was different, because they weren't secure in their manhood or something. My friend was in love with a girl that I was dating. It killed him that I won her over. I knew what girls he had always liked and dated or tried to date but I wasn't allowed to testify or defend him at the JC meeting. After the DFing, his status as "homosexual" spread like wildfire.