WT Rule: Disfellowshipped Should Shun One Another!

by Swan 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Swan

    Anybody remember this? Two people who are disfellowshipped can't talk to one another and can't even carpool to the meeting.

    I seem to remember this vaguely mentioned in a previous thread. Wasn't there some KM or something in the elders secret manual about it?

    Tammy (of the mind is the first to go class)

  • avishai

    Yup. I remember that. Mind control is a funny thing, ain't it?

  • minimus

    If you're looking for reinstatement, you can't associate with df'd ones.

  • Scully

    Am I the only one who finds it ridiculous that the WTS expects you to continue to follow their rules after they've kicked you out??

    Yes, I had heard of this expectation before too. And up until the Internet came along, the plan worked very nicely for the WTS. All bets are off now. They have no control over us now, and it's gotta just be chapping their butts that we know it.

    Love, Scully

  • blondie

    I remember a DF'd brother who walked 3 miles through the snow and cold (wind chill under 0) from the end of the bus line to get to the KH. No one was supposed to give him a ride per the elders. Car after car of JWs on the way to KH drove past him every meeting. Finally, a non-JW who lived next to the KH picked him up and found out why this poor guy was walking. This non-JW called up the KH and chewed out the elders who finally assigned a couple to pick him up but with a stern warning not to talk to him at all.

    Wouldn't you have liked to work the territory around the KH?

  • Gopher

    I definitely remember hearing that from the elders in the last congregation I attended.

    What control freaks these men are!

    So the mesage from the organization is clear. If you're DA'd or DF'd, you cannot talk to a JW, you cannot talk to an ex-JW, and if you make friends with non-JW's, that would show what they call a "worldly spirit".

    So you're just supposed to sit in the corner of your room, all by yourself.

    What a loving spirit.

  • iiz2cool
    Am I the only one who finds it ridiculous that the WTS expects you to continue to follow their rules after they've kicked you out??

    Yeah, how stupid is that? You're no longer a JW and they still think they have authority over you!


  • undercover

    I was assigned to pick up a DFd person and give them rides to the hall. I was an MS in good standing and the DFd one was new to the area and living on welfare and had expressed an interest in getting reinstated. The elders assigned me to give him rides....but....I was not to carry on any conversation with him other than making arrangements for when and where to pick him up.

  • jeanniebeanz

    God forbid that we should all get together and find out the lame reason that we were each disfellowshipped for. Or worse, build a support network!

    Gotta nip that sort of s*** in the bud.


  • adelmaal


    that is the most redicilous thing i have ever heard!!! i even read at one time (back in the late 80s) that if you saw a df'd person on the side of the road with a flat tire you should help her/him but these elders allowed someone to walk daily 3 miles in the snow to get to meetings unassisted! christian love abounds

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