WT Rule: Disfellowshipped Should Shun One Another!

by Swan 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cypher50
    He then said blankly, "Well, that puts it all on us!" (the JW family) to which I agreed and he had nothing else to say. The mind control is so obvious once you're out.

    Wonder why he was asking you to write for permission to talk to him...you aren't the one under the mental dictatorship of the WTS, he is. Like he said, it is his own self-imposed responsibility as long as he is a JW...

    Back on topic, this is one of the silliest things I have ever heard...once you are disfellowshipped, they have already said you are no longer a JW so how can they dictate who you associate with? I would love for them to take the same stand on their new recruits...

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I was trying to become reinstated some years ago and obviously everyone at the KH didn't speak to me. The elders came round and spoke to me about my reinstatement and made it clear that I wouldn't be showing the right attitude if I were to be seen speaking to other disfellowshipped ones.

    What a crock of shite

  • treefrog

    Yup - it is very a very odd rule. ''Don't talk to a disfellowshipped JW in case he alters your beliefs. Likewise, don't talk to ex-jws in case they inspire you to leave.''

    The whole disfellowship thing is not very Christian or charitable.

  • JustTickledPink

    I remember that rule... we had a couple DF'd people in our hall that attended and sat in the back seperately and never talked because the elders kept their eyes on them. I remember one single mother with small kids in particular.

    The thing is, when I think of a normal church, people seem so relaxed and the kids are allowed to play in Sunday school and the women want you to join their clubs and fundraisers and such. Normal churches are such SOCIAL places... to think of the KH as basically an ANTI-SOCIAL church.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    If DFed talk to one another, you'll get double DFed. Which means you'll have to get reinstated twice.

  • heatherg

    Ha Ha Truth! That's great, could you imagine being df'd twice! The reason you couldn't talk to another df'd either was to give you incentive to rejoin, because you had no life and no one to talk to. So pretty much stick your head in a hole in the ground until they say it's okay to come out. Thank God for websites like this, to be able to talk to one another and never feel alone!! hg

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    That rule still applies. It's ridiculous!!!

    The younger generation, the kids of JWs, do not follow the rules of disfellowshipping. I know this young kid, in his mid-20s, that's disfellowshipped, and all the JWs' kids that grew up with him talk to him and hang out with him like nothing.

    This is why I have hope that once the older generation of witnesses, like the ones in their 50s and older, disappear many rules will change or be ammended to reflect today's culture and acceptance.


  • Sunspot

    I must have been in the restroom when this was taught! I don't recall hearing this before. I "do" see why they would do this, as they want you to be sorry for whatever you have done---and will have NO friends or recreation with others while you wait for them to DECIDE if you are repentant enough for them.

    The shunning will hurt more if you have no one to lean on or talk to, and they WANT you to be as miserable as possible so you will "come back to Jehovah" (gag)

    I wonder just how they justify that policy? Where in the bible is that?


  • peacefulpete

    The whole idea is the us vs. them thing. DFd people are "enemies" of Jehovah and why would a person seeking Jehovah want to associate with enemies of Him. It makes sense in a cult mindset where in those who leave are evil, not just tired or troubled or whatever.

  • Sheri

    Where in the scriptures does it say you have to write a letter to Society to be reinstated? How many JW's use "business" as the reason to talk with one another? If the GB would only practice what they preach in the Daily Text for Feb 28, 2005, Ps 130:3 "If errors were what you watch o Jah, O jehovah, who could stand?" As for me walking into the hall a few Sundays ago, I gave a warm smile and hello to the DF brother who keeps trying to come back then falls away. Maybe next time I will sit down next to him while he waits for the meeting to get started. Again I could not stay for the Watchtower and found the Public Talk too much, again putting down other religions, so have not been back again.

    Today I shared my 607 information with a sister that has not been active for 5 yrs and she did not know about any of the real history of the teachings, she asked me to order her the Crisis of Conscience book for her when I put in my order for both Franz books, so I can return my borrowed book to another sister. I do believe the light is really getting brighter and brighter for more and more.



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