WT Rule: Disfellowshipped Should Shun One Another!

by Swan 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i've heard that rule too, but a friend of mine who was df'd (and actually only got reinstated this past summer) was only allowed to hang around other df'd people. they would sit together at the hall and talk after and for some reason didn't get in trouble for it. i guess it depends on the elders in the hall. is there any official word from the watchtower on this practice?


  • abbagail

    OMG, this is a hoot! What a riot! Somewhere along my JW-career I missed this jewel of "pure knowledge." I don't remember being told when they DF'd me that I couldn't talk to other DF'ers. I wonder if I would've believed them back then? lol. Probableeeee.

    So, undercover, how'd that work out, riding in the car in SILENCE with the df'd guy? What would go on in your head during the silent-ride? lol. Did you condemn and judge him the whole way, thinking, "You deserve it, you bad rascal, you!!!" ;-)

    I only WISH some of the miserable old sisters I carted to the hall would have been required to be SILENT for the ride (they complained and talked incessantly. I knew 2 of 'em like that, drove me batty in my younger, much-less-patient days).

  • Dragonlady76

    This is ridiculous!

    I read a story on Freeminds about a young sister that had been Df'd, she had a very young child. The sister had been attending the meetings. Well one cold winters night after the meeting her car broke down in the KH parking lot, all the brothers and sister saw her dilema and still shunned her, she sat out in the cold with a little kid past 10pm. The story teller stated that she never went back to the KH after that.

    How christian is that? The WBTS is cruel!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    When my daughter [then 15] was DF'd they told her she should not make 'worldly friends' if she wanted to get reinstated - I suppose that would have included DF'd ones too!

    I asked them how the hell I was supposed to support that sort of stupid reasoning? How can they expect a teenager to have no social life at all? Idiots!

    Just my opinion


  • avishai

    This is great for those with lawsuits, though, showing that those who are df'd even are still considered part of the cong.!! Or at least controlled by them!

  • Ticker

    Dragonlady said "I read a story on Freeminds about a young sister that had been Df'd, she had a very young child. The sister had been attending the meetings. Well one cold winters night after the meeting her car broke down in the KH parking lot, all the brothers and sister saw her dilema and still shunned her, she sat out in the cold with a little kid past 10pm. The story teller stated that she never went back to the KH after that."

    That too me is appalling and almost made me ill to the stomach. How can one turn their back on a fellow human never mind Christian. This is most deplorable and in no circumstance would this treatment ever merit any approval from Christ. This is absolutely sickening to me and reminds me of the cold heartedness and truly unchristian behavior that was also displayed in my congregation. Any that could treat one as this regardless of their status had better go back to the drawing board and find out what truly following Christs example and being a christian is! Same with letting that brother walk to the hall, unbelievably appalling! Any who cant at least have an ounce of mercy or forgiveness no matter what the opinion of others is should re-evaluate their morals and biblical understanding. That should be enough to warn ones that the true love identifying Christs true followers is sadly lacking or non existent within the Watchtower organization. What has happend to "love your neighbour as yourself", and "do not be just loving thoese who are of your own, for these things the nations also do, but love thoese who are not of your own." Was not this the whole point of the "good samaritan" illustration, Im sorry to sound so peaved but when they warp the simple commandment of love, and against a fellow christian yet, it is absolutly disturbing. This is along the same lines of argument that I had with the witnesses before, I never supported such a distorted view of conditional love and I never will.


  • Dragonlady76


    I felt the same way when I read that story, it still pisses me off to think about it.

    Could her "crime against Jehovah" been that bad to merit such a severe punishment? I don't think so, but yet a child molester is ok in the cong, you can speak to them, associate with them and allow your kids near them. It's just so sick and twisted.


  • mkr32208

    In my old hall a group of my friends got df'ed all at the same time they made a club!

  • garybuss

    It's like . . .
    You can't take a bath sitting down,
    You can't take a bath standing up,
    You can't stink . . . .

  • alamb

    My father, still a JW, phoned me recently (by accident) and wanted me to please write the elders a note asking that I be able to speak with my family again so we could be family. I told him I WAS speaking to him, it was he who was sneaking. "They can't kill me twice" I said. He then said blankly, "Well, that puts it all on us!" (the JW family) to which I agreed and he had nothing else to say. The mind control is so obvious once you're out.

    And, back to the topic, I was told by two bodies of elders not to sit by or speak with or associate with other DF/DA persons.

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