by chuckyy 97 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    You said it Lurk ...

    but unfortunately we see, its not. I just wonder whether its always been about the bottom line?

  • Voyager


    i had this crazy idea once that faith was somthing above money and investing and making more money

    Now there is a true statement if I ever heard one! Thousands of us who have been mistreated by the Witchtower, agree with you whole-heartedly!

    Good reply Lurk, keep up the good work my friend!

  • rebel8
    I will grant that maybe the Society SHOULD CARE about the underlying investments and ask the question of where a dollar comes from that is donated to it BUT again no charity or church does that (that I know of) they don't ask an individual how they made the dollar and in this case the Society can't be blamed for refusing the money or asking about the underlying investments or management of the Trust.

    I can honestly see both sides on this issue. Eduardo, as an attorney, do you believe it is possible for the WTS to simply refuse to take any donations when they do not know the source? Is it legal to refuse a donation/trust?

    You have made some very good points. If it is possible to refuse donations, though, wouldn't it be appropriate for the WTS to do so? If you are an ex-JW, surely you can remember the rules that the individual dubs are expected to follow...If a dub was called into a JC for accepting the proceeds from someone else's investment in tobacco companies, wouldn't he be disfellowshipped? Surely, then, it is not ok (within the JW rules) to accept such a donation...especially since they have flocks of people in NY, PA, and elsewhere who work on their behalf...they have an entire Legal Dept. for instance that could research each donation. They certainly have the resources to know.

  • Voyager


    .they have an entire Legal Dept. for instance that could research each donation. They certainly have the resources to know.

    Very well said! Agree with you 100%!


  • Tatiana

    Thanks for the link, jwsons....the hypocrisy makes me ill.

    Representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses didn't show. But their work on the former Masonic Temple at 385 Broadway was praised by the commission's executive director, Michael Wing.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are cleaning up, repainting and refurbishing the temple in a way that meets their needs for worship but doesn't despoil the building's original intent, said Wing. A large Masonic symbol in ornate floor tile has been covered with a circular rug, he said.

    Other symbols on the outside of the building have been covered with stucco, he said.

    The congregation could have obliterated both, but they remain, he said.

    Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr., D-Paterson, acknowledged the recipients, giving each an award of his own, emblazoned with the congressional seal.

  • TheEdge
    thus in this case in particular the WTS has ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over the Trust.

    But can they refuse to accept the monies accumulated by the tobacco investment?

  • rebel8

    You're welcome, V.

    Does anyone have a quote from WTS literature prohibiting an individual JW from accepting the proceeds of something objectionable? I honestly do believe I've seen it in print, but it was so long ago....

  • TheEdge

    This ISN'T exactly what you're looking for Rebel8, but still interesting :-
  • Voyager

    Absolutely, they can (REFUSE) contributions!

    After all, they use this as one of their (preaching) tools:


    Refused Contributions

    All Scriptures Are Inspired/page-90/




    Nehemiah?s godly devotion should be an inspiration to all lovers of right worship. He left a favored position to become a humble overseer among Jehovah?s people. He even refused the material contribution that was his right, and he roundly condemned materialism as a snare.



    Salk received many honors for his outstanding contribution in the prevention of this deadly and crippling disease. Yet, he refused to accept any cash awards. He returned to his laboratory to improve the vaccine. Obviously, his real reward was not money but satisfaction in seeing children and parents free from the fear of this grave danger.



    . As he progressed spiritually, his Bible-trained conscience started to bother him. Once, he offered some money to the elder who visited the colony. It was to be a contribution to the Kingdom work, but the elder refused because he knew that it was against the prison rules to take money out. The elder simply told the young man: "Do with the money as your conscience dictates to you." The prisoner went to the head guard and put the money on his desk, stating: "My Bible-trained conscience does not permit me to have this money here.


  • lurk

    thanks for he encouragement voyager

    taylor do you think so ? from the begining ?

    but then the money part of the WTS must be being run by investment people and city banker types as the the Brothers havent got the education or job know how.could it be they gave up jehovahs earthly organization over to to big buisness.


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