They have complete control over whether or not they accept the money.
I could not have said it better myself!
Thanks--Good Show!
by chuckyy 97 Replies latest watchtower scandals
They have complete control over whether or not they accept the money.
I could not have said it better myself!
Thanks--Good Show!
Here is the DOCUMENTATION Voyager read it for yourself:
Can't be any clearer. Sorry you don't get to define what is "documentation" that PROVES the matter.
Maybe you can define what documentation YOU WOULD NEED in order to believe yourself but then you could ask for proof that I have visited the Moon too when I keep telling you I have never been there.
I already observed from your responses that you are not a reasonable person that basic logic, proof and truth can pursuade; but now I can only assume further that you are thicker than a milkshake. (not an ad hominem attack just a simple observation.)
Ignorance is no excuse. Years ago, my mother "felt" that there were evil influences in our home. She implied it was because my grandmother, who lived with us, liked to read comics. Specifically, Tales From the Crypt comics. After she threw them all into the trash, (I later found out they were potentially worth thousands of dollars--if only the "society had known THAT!) she still "felt" a "demonic" force, causing us kids to act up, causing my step-dad to fight with her. So, after writing a letter to the WTS, the brothers told her to go through the entire attic. To search for any small thing, such as a Birthday coffee mug, an old Christmas card, some old gift from my uncle who was in the Air Force. I remember being scared to go up there. It was dark and my mother had me terrifed of demons. The house was over 50 years old, and there was so much accumulated in those years. Anyway, we were to go through each thing, and if we found so much as a pack of Christmas glitter, we were to get rid of it ASAP! Do you get my point, oro?
Again I state, where is your (Watchtower) documentation? The request was for (Watchtower) documentation or statements, in black and white proving that they are not or never have taken any money from Phillip Morris!
Now what part of that don't you understand?
Please scan the (Watchtower) letter as soon as you get it!
Well said and very well documented in the Watchtower literature also. Very good comment, because no doubt (all) of us at one time or another had to do the very same thing.
My mother tried to (burn) all of Rutherford's books, because we were counseled that they were domonic, yet when certain references were needed, we were to told that we coulf find that certain reference in Rutherford's books.
The very books that we were told to get rid of, are still being advertised in Watchtower literature today!
Closely examine the (Proclaimers Book) 1993, and anyone can see that Charles Russell and Rutherford are glorified throughout the entire book. Yet, the members were not to read such materials. So again, they prove themselves as hypocrites. Russells books were sold by the Watchtower Society several years (after) they were classified as apostate!
Thanks Tatiana!
BTTT (bring-up to the top)
HeHeHe. Let's answer more so we can keep this thread to the top for all newbie !!!!
Tatiana, this following Link only for you:
Yearbook/1972/pages 151-152/ states, quote:
OPPOSITION MOUNTSThe very first circuit assembly ever held in the Dominican Republic was a joyful occasion. This was celebrated in September 1949 in a big tobacco warehouse in Santiago.
Remember what the Watchtower published about (Associations)?
Kingdom Ministry/1974/Feb/page-5/
Avoid being Involved?
Some of the correspondence indicates that brothers have already signed contracts and given their word that they will be farming certain land and producing tobacco. Some may have already rented their land to someone for the next year or longer. Whether these brothers will be able to cancel or relieve themselves of such contracts in some way is not known, but it will be commendable for them to seek ways to avoid being involved in growing any more tobacco.
thus in this case in particular the WTS has ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL over the Trust.
the WTS has no right to refuse the trust left to them? by law it must except the money?
surely not ,surely the WTS is not bound by law to recieve money from this worldly money making trust with its big buisness investments..surely the Spiritual WTS ,is far above the gruby world of investment and Big buisness !! with all those solicitors keeping the flock clean from dirty worldly .
I remeber the Church of england getting caught with investments in alchol companies etc oh how the brothers and sisters sniggered at gossiped at the pure worldlyness and greed of this church of christendom.
the WTS has lots of money to take care of ..but why gamble it with investments why not just put it in the bank..and have the interest from that..there would be lots of it.
why use a system that is part of a bigger system the society has condemed as big buissness .
i had this crazy idea once that faith was somthing above money and investing and making more money