I love the very vague and non-specific way the Society (...) refers to the music. So typical.
Me too. This inerent vagueness is their specialty.
There are a couple of things in the KM announcement that reveals a lot:
A number of pulishers have telephoned the branch office
regarding certain recordings of Kingdom songs sung in a
popular style that are presently being circulated among
Jehovah's Witnesses. They wonder if these recordings have
the organization's approval. We are aware of these
recording and would like to inform you that they do not
have our approval. Please do not circulate or download
these recordings from the Internet. We trust this
information will clarify matters.
It proves three things:
1) That the R&F feels that, like a little child, they need to have the WT's approval for what they do in such situations and that they actually do seek the Society's guidance by getting in touch with Bethel .
2) That the WT feels very comfortable in that situation (they say 'the recordings don't have our approval') and that the Society replies to the publishers' inquiries knowing full well that it is performing the role of a paternalistic leader, someone who they need to turn to in small matters.
3) That the WT uses the word "organization" as an euphemism for "the organization's leaders." The collective "organization" (i.e, the rank-and-file) doesn't "approve" or "disapprove" anything, they simply comply with whatever the GB ("the organization") decides.