Man, I flunked this one! 47%! Hellllpppppp
Very fun dave!
ps You need to add minivan in the car selection lol
by AlmostAtheist 64 Replies latest jw friends
Man, I flunked this one! 47%! Hellllpppppp
Very fun dave!
ps You need to add minivan in the car selection lol
33% - I feel sooooooooo ashamed.
I like the idea of getting piercings/facial hair into it somewhere. Maybe I can drop one of the other questions in favor of one for that.
BTW, I score 27% on it, but I've had the flu, so...
Haha Dave good survey. I scored 27%. It was the bible inspiration question that got me. lol The fact that I ride a motorcycle puts me in the rebellious side though and this is so true as they always secretly hated my motorcylce. They would make stupid comments about how they would never want a motorcycle becuase it was so dangerous. WTF its a friggin motorcycle and I'll never quit riding it. Also the fact that I dont let others make my decisions and I look for integrity throws me out of the JW circle, but thats good for me. lol
Great survey Dave, it was alot of fun.
Scared me for a minute, but note the highlighting. Just like in RL. :D
10% no wonder i never felt like i belonged there! Thanks for the entertainment.
27% the 4 door car got me. also I said I felt the bible was 50% true.
I scored 23%
I am so ashamed of myself!
11% here.
I'm 17% witness but I think if I lose a bit of weight I can get that down to 0%
Cool quiz thanks for posting it. You never know though the dubs might nick it and use it for their baptism questions