Warning to women! please read!

by claudia 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Man, I wonder if that would have helped me place more mags - if I showed my boobs? Talk about some pretty fruitful return calls! Haha!


  • fodeja
    Man, I wonder if that would have helped me place more mags - if I showed my boobs? Talk about some pretty fruitful return calls! Haha!

    Well...around here, mostly elderly people are doing door-to-door nowadays. All I can say is that the very thought of seeing their boobs scares the heck out of me.

    Mature sisters, therefore, may want to ask elders for approval before trying out this witnessing technique. Young sisters are advised to seek the loving counsel of Brother fodeja. Anytime.


  • QCA1

    this post is so funny :)

  • RedhorseWoman

    It's.....a.....scam? Oh.....

  • reagan_oconnor
    Dave's been going door-to-door again trying to "cop a feel".

    You know what they say...

    It's always better to cop a feel
    Than to feel a cop.

    Unless it's my hubby, of course. Then I'm allowed to cop a feel on a cop.

    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • slipnslidemaster

    ( . ) ( . )

    This is a diagram of someone's boobs that posts here on the board. Can you figure them out?

    Slipnslidemaster: "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. "
    - Martin Luther King Jr.

  • waiting

    A comment on the above diagram:

    If God had meant them to be lifted and separated, He would have put one on each shoulder. Victoria Woods


  • larc

    Hey Billygoat,

    If you stoped at my door topless, with the magazines, I would have invited you in for your free home Bible study.

  • seven006


    I'm starting to get a most undeserved reputation here because of comments like that. I take my art very seriously and so do the collectors that pay out the butt for it. Red HW was only joking. I have never touched a single female model I have ever used for any of my paintings except for one. She was my girlfriend at the time and one of my best models I ever painted. I quit doing nudes several years ago. In fact I quit painting several years ago. I wonder if one thing has to do with the other? Anyway, there is a great saying among professional painters. "if you can find me something more beautiful than the female human form to paint,then I'll paint it. That of course came from a nude painter.

    You can make as many jokes as you like. I'm a damn good painter and my art has noting to do with getting laid. I suppose if it did I might reconsider my hiatus. Shit, now I'm depressed: Here is a sample of one of my last paintings and she is fully clothed. SO bite me woman! See you in a few months.

  • claudia

    Seven006, I do nude modeling at an art school, the painters pay big money to learn there, they are not even thinking of getting laid. I hate getting flack for what I do, it is no where near porn!!!

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