Fuming, Angry, seething, seeing RED!!!!!!!!!!

by Gill 102 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Gill

    Hi Glenwoodswoman! Welcome to the forum!

    Glad to hear of your escape from the big bad world of JWism.

    You're absolutely right about living well, and being well. That's something that I have finally achieved myself and am proud to say that after a few very bad years look and feel great!

    However, it's impossible to forget, children left behind in the cult. Hence the WTBTS has got to change it's attitude to children and to it's members. I don't believe they will be able to completely control their members abusing their children in one way or another but they should certainly not be recommending discipling children for their behaviour, or lack of it at meetings, for a start!

  • glenwoodswoman


    I absolutely agree and I do not have an answer. I well remember trying to keep my children quite through endless meetings and long assembly days. I honestly do not remember how I did it. God, I have not even thought of it in years. It remonds me of something I read about children adapting to situations. The author said:"children do not adapt. They mutate."

    Thanks for the warm welcome and acceptance, and also the food for thought.

  • diamondblue1974

    Welcome Glenwoodswoman, I do see your point and understand where you are coming from however this board for a number of people is their own source of healing, some of us are angry, some are less angry and some are not angry at all, its a question of moving forward in stages and different people are at different stages.

    Your concern I am sure is appreciated by all, again welcome and hope to see you round

  • love11

    I feel it is only normal to be fuming, angry, seething, and seeing red when you see a child being severely beaten or have been that child yourself.

    For people that have never experienced abuse or think that we are talking about spanking a child, you cannot possibly understand what we are saying. Let me give you an example of real abuse-

    I was locked in a closet in the heat of the summer for a half a day. I had to go to the bathroom and asked to come out. My mom opened the door and began to hit me with my dad's belt. After 20 times I stopped counting. She shut the door and I crapped my pants and stayed in the closet for hours more. I was 5 years old at the time and I knew how to tell time and count, that is how I remember. I was yelled at for going to the bathroom and made to clean it up myself. All of this was over not picking up my toys immedietely when told.

    During my entire childhood, not a week went by that I wasn't beaten ( not spanked ). I remember coming in the house excited about something and I forgot to hang up my wind jacket. My dad was standing there with a board with holes in it and told me to pick it up. I said I would but please don't hit me when I bend over. He promised he wouldn't. I bent over to pick up my coat and I was shocked when he hit me. It caught me off guard and I flew about 5 ft into the wall that was near my coat and hit my head. I didn't even have time to stand up because he grabbed my arm and flung me in the air to the next wall. Then he began to spank me left and right until I was screaming and walking in a circle. He eventually stopped because the 1/2 inch thick paddle finally broke. He dropped my arm and I fell limp to the floor. After that, I could barely move my arm and it started to turn black it was so bruised. For the longest time I had to cover my arm and if anyone saw it I lied and said I fell off of the curly slide.

    Children Services did occasionally come to visit my home. The woman would take us in our bedroom to talk to us but me and my sister didn't dare to say a word. My parents bedroom was right next to ours and I could hear them listening through the heat register. Before she came, we were told that if we said anything that dad would go to jail and that it would be all of our faults and that Jehovah would punish us for being disobedient children. After the "bad" beatings, my mom would talk to us in our room and say that it is Jehovah testing us to see how much we could bare and that Jehovah would not give us more than we could handle.

    I have found that anger to me comes and goes like a wave and that it is an important part of healing. I am at a time in my life that I can say the anger is a size of a pea, but it used to consume me. I am trying to enjoy everyday that I am alive and I feel that if the begining part of my life has been this bad than I must be long overdue for some good times ahead.

    I hope in some small way that this explains what abuse really is. I know that alot of people on this site have their own story of abuse, hence the anger.

    I read a really good quote the other day that I would like to share with you- Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting. It means understanding.

    I had to really think about that for awhile and let it stew. I think when you understand someone and what motivates them to do the things they do, than the anger stops and real joy can begin. At least you and I are out!!!!!!

  • Gill

    ((((((love11))))))) - That is a really horrific story of true and vicious abuse. It seems to me it was made much worse by the "Jehovah is testing you" method that your mother used to control you so that you could not ask for help.

    You are bang on track with finding that you need to understand what happened to you and why your parents treated you so wickedly. That's the only way to get over this terrible start you had in your life.

    Now, the time has come to enjoy life and to start living. Thank goodness you survived to tell your tale, and I'm so glad you're out and free.

    Forgive, but don't forget and make sure that YOU are the one who is always in control from now on.

    Children who are JWs, who are abused, in any way are doubly trapped because they actually believe that the very people who might be able to help them are their enemies because of JW teachings. That's why they must not be forgotten. That's where the Silent Lamb Organization comes in and everyone else should not be afraid to speak up for these children.

  • love11

    If those people that are still in the organization only realized how much we care about them too.....

  • Dansk
    I let rip on mind control cults, abusing children by forcing them to sit listening to boring rubbish and be dragged round streets selling shit magazines.


  • Gill

    (((love11) - I'm afraid they're too scared to look up and see.

    Dansk - now you have to move forward. Show them your love every day and if one of them won't listen, keep telling them any way. There is nothing to fear in speaking the truth about how you feel.

  • Dansk
    Dansk - now you have to move forward. Show them your love every day and if one of them won't listen, keep telling them any way. There is nothing to fear in speaking the truth about how you feel.

    Oh, I moved on a long time ago. As for telling my daughters, they don't want anything to do with the rest of the family so I can't tell them anything. It''s their loss and I'm well and truly over it. Now that I have true insight, my girls are just people who came through the vehicles of my wife and I. They are bound by their own conditioned nature.

    One day they might see the reality of it all. Whatever, my wife, two sons and I have our own lives to lead. We broke the bonds of emotional blackmail the very night we exited. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/86687/1436597/post.ashx#1436597



  • glenwoodswoman


    My heart aches for you, when I read stories like yours, I am truly at a loss for words.I like your quote about forgiveness being understanding...Do you understand why he did that?(father) Surely that is beyond the "spare the rod, spoil the child" philosophy. I am truly sorry and i hope that you are well or getting well on every level of your being.


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