Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    You're right, honey, some guys will tell you anything they think you want to hear to get into your panties. Not all guys are like that though. But of guys at your age a bigger percentage are driven by hormones and they don't yet understand the harm they do by lying to get some sex.

    Keep in mind that there are a few good guys who would not stoop to such tactics. There really are. And guys don't have to be the jerky kind to be interesting. It's just a myth that only "bad boys" are good kissers.

  • JustTickledPink

    Men suck until you're in your late 20's. Then they start to mature and get a bit better. That is my personal belief. When they are 18 you are still competing with who much rubber they can leave on the pavement if they spin out.

  • Mary

    I never thought I'd say this, but women can be just as bad. I have two close (male) friends (both former Dubs) who were married to absolute lunatic women who made their lives a living hell and have continued to do so even though they're divorced now. Both women screwed around on their husbands "just to see what it was like", both of them spent grocery and bill money on pampering themselves rather than buy their family things like food, they were both slobs and never kept a clean house.......I could write a book about it. Alot of it has to do with the bizarre way they were raised---these women come from dysfunctional families, so I guess this isn't a surprise. Both of these guys are re-married to "worldly" girls now and are happy as can be.

    Yes men can be bastards, but so can women.......good thing you found this out at such a young age!!

  • mtbatoon

    For every man who doesn't respect women, there's a mother who made him that way.

  • confusedjw

    Dirt Rocker - I really like you and I would never hurt you. Can I borrow some money?

  • talesin

    Hi, Dirt Rocker.

    You are a very good-looking woman. Truth of the matter, it's not gonna end for the rest of your life.

    Maybe, if you wanna gain 50 or 60 pounds, the jerks will leave you alone. That has been my experience. The sport-f***ers usually don't like fat. Then, after I lost the weight, they are back. It never ends. Oh yes, and watch out for the guy who says he can be 'just friends'. Sure, buddy.

    The jerks always persist, so they stand out from the others. BUT,

    don't miss the nice guys because they are not always hitting on you! There are lots of them around.

    When you meet the person who is not a user, then make sure you keep him in your life, be it as friend or lover. I think men who don't objectify women are wonderful, and I love them to death.

    And yes, people are people. Women can be jerks, too.



  • wanderlustguy
    For every man who doesn't respect women, there's a mother who made him that way.

    There you go. I lived with my mom, and was raised very well I think by her with regard to women.

    But then I ended up being "too nice" and women were always drawn to the men who treat them like their fathers did in most cases. So then I was the nice guy that women just wanted as friends. Funny thing was, after I learned how to act like an asshole (yes it was just an act) they were beating my door down.

    So what do you say about that one?

  • IP_SEC

    DR! I think your problem is you've been hanging around too many worldly guys. You need to find yourself a nice witless boyfriend.

    Hhahhahhahahahhahhahah NOT!

    Yes we do suck, if we know whats good for us.

  • talesin

    :: Yes we do suck, if we know whats good for us.

    And friends ask me, why do you luvs your Texans so much? Hello!

  • mtbatoon

    after I learned how to act like an asshole (yes it was just an act) they were beating my door down.

    So what do you say about that one?

    I think women say one thing and want another (no offence). I don't think women are unsure of what they do want, I think they just want to keep us on our toes.

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