Men suck.. (no offense to any guys here)

by Dirt Rocker 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Men don't suck...women don't suck...SOME PEOPLE SUCK.

    Don't play games with people and don't allow people to play games with you.

  • WildHorses

    DR, I used to feel the same way. Until I decided to stop dating them. I find men are great as friends, I just don't seem to mix well with them in relationships.

    Edited to add: I didn't even hit reply and the damn post posted! I wasn't finished! LOL

    What I wanted to say, is that I can't blame it all on the men. It was my fault to. I should't have believe everything they told me. Shame on me.

  • upside/down
    the day you start swallowing that stuff, thennn you can say that.


    Is that like the old "you don't know pain till you've given birth" schtik? Don't you watch Sex and the City? Most guys would try "it" if it'd make you feel more comfortable. Ever notice how almost all porn (which is directed at males) shows "fascials" etc.? Do you know why? Cause that's what men fantasize about (and many females seem to find very repugnant). Well I find the menses repugnant, but would never ever show disgust or make remarks to such (it's natural) I just deal with it, politely. Again it's personal preference.

    Although I've NEVER been insistant about what I want (sexually) or even my fantasies, and I would never force my will on another- gawd it would sure be nice to find a woman that just did cuz I liked it. I do the same for her.... is that too much to ask?

    u/d (of the hope I don't piss any females off class)

  • WildHorses
    Well I find the menses repugnant

    So do I! I can't wait till the day I stop having them.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm sending you a PM, Upside/Down.

  • upside/down

    You know I regret jumping into this topic, no matter what I say I'm dead.

    What I mean to say and how it's percieved will never jibe... you think I' d know better.

    Bdee bdee bdeee.... that's all folks!

    u/d (of the onto cleaner topics class)

  • FlyingHighNow

    Upside/Down, it's not an angry PM. Don't be afraid. Just more of an FYI.

  • Pleasuredome

    as everyone knows, i dont need to use any verbal garbage to get a woman in bed with me. but having said that, i'd rather be dancin' than romancin'. happy days!

  • upside/down


    I just saw your pm and this response... a little late.

    u/d (of the loves the ladies class)

  • truth_about_the_truth

    Hmmm. When guys say girls suck, we actually think of it as a compliment.

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