For the longest time I was afraid to see it, and when I did I have to admit I felt 'weird', anyone else feel this way.
Are you afraid to watch The Exorcist?
by Pwned 31 Replies latest social entertainment
I was the opposite. I use to be able to watch anything, but now i cant watch any
scary movie's. I get creeped out to easily.
Last scary movie i saw was The Ring. And it still keeps me up at night.
Ok, i know.. im a whimpMonkeyPrincess
OH, btw.. Welcome to the bored!
Hey, welcome! I loved that movie but if you happen to be a believer.. it might get to ya.
I love horror movies.....especially like the exorcist, ammityville horror, steven king stuff.
What creeps me out are movies like aracniphobia (sp) HATE GIANT SPIDERS... LOL
Of course I watch them anyway...laying in bed...late at night....jumping like a little girl everytime the spider leaps of course the loving wife waits until the music gets all "look out here it comes" and then runs her toe up my leg and forces me to spend the next hour changing the sheets AND my footie jammies. Damn.....LOL....she scared the hell out of me LOL
Growing up JW I was deathly afraid of demons or anythign demonic, including something as harmless as a smurf or a antique from a garage sale so something that outwardly dealt with demons like the Exorcist was definitely off limits. the feelings I got watching it were not demons obviously but my fear and guilt combined, i got over it though. i just watched the Exorcist : beginning and i felt fine, didnt think it was that scary actually, but watching did remind me of how i used to feel.
BTW thanks for the welcome, i used to post under a different name from time to time about 1.5-2 years ago but i switched email addressess and forgot my password so i have no way of using it anymore.
re. fear of demons, its kind of funny and sad at the same time but my mother is so afraid of them that she acts like a child if there is something in the house that she thinks may be demonic, my daughter had something in her room, like toy tarot cards or something and my mom could not sleep, she swore that the door opened on its own ( we have a cat), me and my wife laugh about it but its pretty pathetic really, she is over 60 yrs old
Funny you should mention that.
I was a kid when the movie came out and still haven't seen it. Even as a teeneager who loved gruesome violence, anything with occult subject matters gave me the heebee geebbee's foe several nights after when I tried to go to sleep!!!!
I NEVER watch anything that might make me lose all control of my anal sphincter muscle and fill my pants - thereby embarrassing myself in public.
Seriously, JW indoctrination still prevails, 'you only have to show interest in demonism and Satan can come and get you!'
Sunnygal41 of course the loving wife waits until the music gets all "look out here it comes" and then runs her toe up my leg and forces me to spend the next hour changing the sheets AND my footie jammies.
LMAO!!! You have a very playful, creative wife in your bed! I LOVE her already!!