I watched it before I came in the truth and I do confess it was quite scary
Are you afraid to watch The Exorcist?
by Pwned 31 Replies latest social entertainment
I found the first one extremely scary but I didn't feel as though I was allowing the demons to come into my house.
My wife however refuses to watch this movie becaue of her dub upbringing.
If you have never seen it before and would like to, make sure you see an uncut version that is usual shown on a cable channel.
Network tv generally cuts out all of the really juicy parts.
Doubtfully Yours
I am, I am!
That and any other horror movie. I just don't! Movies like that play with my mind too much.
joannadandy convinced me to rent it last winter. i felt ok about it since my brother and his friends were supposed to stay over that night (they were up snowmobiling for the weekend). except that after we got done watching it, they called to say they weren't going to make it back that night. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!! i have to say it did scare the crap out of me.
has anyone else rented the original now out on dvd? they have some interesting stuff about the actual events the movie was based on. i think that's what scared me probably the most. it was creepy.............
When I was a teenager through my "young adult" years, I watched every gory, scary movie I could get into the VCR. I found the Exorcist to be a good movie, but rather tame as fright flicks went. A much scarier series of movies, made in I believe the mid to later 80s, was the "Evil Dead" series of films (Parts I and II). Those made the Exorcist seem like a Sunday at the Watchtower study!
From the time I was very young, I used to experience horrific nightmares on a regular basis, many of which involved supernatural beings that resembled those depicted in Watchtower publications (e.g., the Scarlet Beast of Revelation that ultimately befriended the organization that demonized it in the first place). The Watchtower publications were no longer part of my life, beginning in my mid-teenage years. In my mid 20s, I gave up the gory/scary movies. I have not had nightmares involving supernatural beings or horrific gore beginning shortly after I gave up my obsession with scary and/or gory movies.
Based on my personal experiences, I believe that many if not most of the images in our dreams originate as images that our eyes were exposed to. Accordingly, I have concluded that many of my childhood nightmares were the product of the Watchtower publications that were written for children. I remember the horrific pictures of the great flood, with people and animals being destroyed by the water (what da heck did those poor animals do to deserve their fate? Oh yeah, they weren't Jehovah's Witnesses.) I remember the pictures in some of the publications of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Now that I've concluded that these pictures played a role in my nightmares, the next question is whether that was by design? Did the Watchtower intentionally inflict trauma upon children by exposing them to these horrific and certainly age-inappropriate illustrations? Given the despicable treatment of children by the Watchtower, I'd bet it was intentional. -
I've a whole stack of movies to catch on after enduring a sheltered upbringing as a dub! There must be several hundred movies for instance I had to walk out of after the first opening scene on account of some dubs god fearing conscience!...I don't think the exorcist was one of those, the film content is fairly discernable by the title.
Might just rent it out over the Easter break in celebration of Christs death...apologies for the disrespect.
I watched the Exorsist a few years ago and if I saw it again I would lose another weeks sleep!!!
Last scary movie i saw was The Ring. And it still keeps me up at night.
Ok, i know.. im a whimpMonkeyPrincess
You're not a whimp!! Ever since I saw that in theater (how long ago was that??) If I think about the scene where the girl's face gets all screwed up while I am trying to sleep....I cant sleep!!
As we speak my head is spinning around.
AH CRAP - I just got pea soup all over my keyboard!
NancyDrake- lol, even now when something really scares me i start to say Jehovah over and over, if i told my mom she'd be like see you know its the truth but i guess its just like an automatic response to being scared. its funny though, i get embarrassed with myself when ever that happens and then it makes me laugh.