Are you afraid to watch The Exorcist?

by Pwned 31 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Sunnygal41

    When I was a JW, I could NOT watch any of that stuff........they had me soooo fearful of the deeminz,, I'm involved in spiritual research........I read about all of the divinatory tools..........tarot, i-ching, native american spirit journeys.........I have tarot cards in my home, as well as statues of "gods" and other objects.....and I am totally okay with these "spiritistic" objects. I've never had a problem or "attack".....of course, you have to respect the "energies" involved, but, if treated with respect I think there would be nothing to fear. I've watched all the Exorcist movies, including the new one........they just don't frighten me...........the gore does.........but not the spiritistic parts........

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    I love to watch scary movies, but I can't watch them by myself! I have a VERY overactive imagination that runs away with me after I've seen a frightening flick. I have still been known to say "jehovah jehovah jehovah jehovah!" even thought I'm not a JW anymore, and even thougth I seriously doubt it works....

    Welcome to the board, Pwned!

  • clementine

    welcome on the board!!!!

    I've seen the exorcist once, and yes! it scared me!!! especially the scene where the child goes down the stairs.... I found that horrible!!!

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Sheila and I had an exorcist marathon this weekend. We rented all four of the movies. I found the newest of the series to be the best. It wasn't so much horror as intrigue and suspense. I found the overall theme of the movies to be faith lost and then found again.
    When I was a JW we were forbidden to see the Exorcist and stories of demon attack were espoused to scare us into submisssion.
    If you haven't seen them all, I recomend the original and the Exorcist the Beginning. Two and three were not very good.


  • the_classicist

    I was pretty scared. Although I like beings scared and I'm a bit of a masochist in this sense because I keep watching movies that scare the sh*& out of me.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Welcome to the board! I rate Exorcist as the scariest movie of all time. I never bought into the whole demon thing as it was preached, I didn't disbelieve that they might exist, but if they did exist I just couldn't buy the stuff that was being attributed to them.

  • Elsewhere

    I never got to see the movie when I was a JW and I always wondered what all of the fuss was about. I remember once I was listening to the theme song for The Exorcist... I thought it was an awesome song but at the same time had no idea that it was related to the movie, I just thought it was any other song (The theme is actually the opening of a classic 25 minute long song called Tubular Bells). Well, my mom heard me listening to it and almost freaked out!

    Anyway, back to watching the show... I have to admit that I was very disappointed with it. All of the "scary" parts were made "scary" using classic scare tactics that are so worn out that I found them silly. They used sudden loud noises, flashing lights, events going from moving very slowly to moving very quickly and erratically, etc... the usual crap you see in a cheap carnival "horror" ride.

    I'm also not superstitious, so all of the references to the scary Christian mythologies just didn't do it for me.

    So there ya have it... my little rant about how bad of a movie The Excorcist is. I guess one must believe in a lot of the old Christian mythologies in order to be scared by the movie.

  • pennycandy

    I'm with Elsewhere on this one. For the first time I'm willing and able to watch scary movies without fear of "letting the demons in". After watching some of the classics I missed, I wonder what all the fuss was about.

  • mozak

    no not at all

  • SheilaM

    As Thunder said, we watched all of them. I remember being scared by the exorcist orignially but this time I jumped once and was more disgusted than anything else. The new one I really liked until it got a lil campy and overdone at the end. It explains a lot of the symbols and stuff you see in the exorcist and makes it much more understandable. The second one should be gathered from all corners of the earth and burned :(

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