Cruel Joke by Circuit Overseer

by diamondblue1974 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974

    I was reading the thread about the prospect of the WTS releasing some new light shite about a prophecy to fulfil the fact that they are not growing and it brought back a really horrid memory, unintentional i know but horrid nonetheless.

    The CO visited the congregation were i was from and after the obligatory song and prayer, it was announced that the CO needed to speak to us urgently on a local needs issue. He came onto the platform his look was sombre and melancholy (nothing new there then)

    He said he had an announcement from the governing body and that their had been a law passed that day which banned JW'S in the UK that the USA and other world governments had notified the WTS that they were to follow suit shortly. Now I wouldnt say I was strong as a JW but this caused me some concern. Everywhere was deathly silent, you could have heard a pin drop, and even the obligatory baby in the toilet had stopped crying...we hung upon every word he said for that whole three minutes while it sank in what was possibly happening. (I must say i was wondering why it hadnt been on the news that day but listened nonetheless).

    The thoughts about the big A now being round the corner or in the blink of an eye (as they put it) came to mind, the thoughts about whether we had been good enough, whether we had been good christians and so forth....then the bastard put the congregation out of its misery by saying that this wasnt really the case but it was to make us think.

    Now I am sorry but this was f**kin sick, the sigh of relief was resounding throughout the hall and the congregation buzzed afterwards with how powerful his talk was....personally i felt like we had been mentally abused and played like a group of fools; that became for me the part of the start of the end....but has anyone else had similar experiences?

  • hillbilly

    That one must be in the CO playbook......... I remember a similar introduction back in the 70's.



  • upside/down
    the CO playbook



  • Elsewhere

    That's what is called a "Mind F*ck".

  • Wolfgirl

    When I read the first post, I thought maybe my mind was playing games with me. Glad I'm not the only one who also remembers this. I bet he felt really smug.

  • Ticker

    Its one of their many tactics to further prod and prick the R&F. Why would God need to resort to mind games to further his will or stimulate growth. Its twisted and wrong to put such mental anguish on ones merely searching for truth.


  • blondie

    The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf

    A shepherd boy tending his flock near a village cried: "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Help me or the wolf will kill my sheep!" The villagers heard him and several times came running to drive away the wolf. But he always laughed at them because he did not really see a wolf. One day a real wolf came along and attacked his flock. The boy cried "Wolf! Wolf! Wolf! Help me or the wolf will kill my sheep!" But the people did not came to his aid because no one believed him any more. So the wolf ate all his sheep.

    Moral: lying does not pay.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :personally i felt like we had been mentally abused and played like a group of fools

    What a f**king jackass.

    I remember a talk that a district overseer gave once at a circuit assembly regarding moral cleanness. He said that if a person had slept around with people before they were married and in the "truth" then the chances of them cheating on their spouse was very high. I couldnt believe my ears. Its like they have accepted that there arent even any studies in the audience that could be offended by such a retarded comment. This guy was a freaking district overseer.. surreal stupidity.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I remember that happening when I was a kid and some of the people freaking out before the sadistic asshole could tell them it was not true. It was quite a scene before order was restored. Aren't their laws against screaming fire in a crowded movie theater? They are lucky no one stroked out on them over it.

  • undercover
    Everywhere was deathly silent, you could have heard a pin drop, and even the obligatory baby in the toilet had stopped crying...we hung upon every word he said for that whole three minutes while it sank in what was possibly happening.

    And that's why some people consider the WTS/JWs a cult. If you are in total control of your capacities the first thing you're gonna say when someone tells something like that is either "bullshit" or "I need proof". The fact that the majority of the people in that hall felt dread and fear was because they had given the WTS full control of their mind which allowed such a ridiculas statement to even find a moment's consideration.

    I remember similar examples and I remember falling for them. I was upset that the CO had taken our trust in him as a spiritual leader and unnecassarily upset us just to make a point.

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