Is it that it's all a joke, a smokescreen? Is it all about 'just do for us and expect nothing in return'? Is it that they really don't care about anything but their property and their real estate??
What Is The "Bottom Line" Regarding The "Truth"/ Organization???
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Is it that they really don't care about anything but their property and their real estate??
They are also concerned about protecting child molesters.
Minimus: I would hate to think this is true. I sincerely believed it (or most of it anyway) only because I was unaware of their past. Any doubts I had I pushed to the back of my mind until there were so many of them they wouldn't stay there. There is also a saying in the world that the government exists to perpetuate itself. I somehow think that this saying also applies to the JWs. They are there to perpetuate their own existence and do not want anybody to blow it for them. LHG
It depends on who you ask. Some believe in it, some see through it and are just there for the power they have, some are just going through the motions because if they don't they'll lose the family members who do believe in it.
Personally at this point, it is just a big machine, and if you get caught in it, you'll get tenderized. Anyone see "The Cube"?
Like most religions, the JW's sell hope. They're pretty good at convincing many people of their hope, even though several "hopeful" dates have passed. I don't know if it's more of a joke or a smokescreen than any other religion.
I do know, that they do EXPECT a lot more devotion and service than other religions. That's why the Watchtower brand of religion is often characterized here as more of a sales organization than an actual religion.
However, the hope they offer is real to some people, so in that sense they're similar to most other religions.
They are also concerned about protecting child molesters.
Sinners with money are welcome to the Org.
Gopher said they "sell hope". How true!! Maybe that's why their not really growing. People are hopeless.
You may have answered the question within the question.
What Is The "Bottom Line" Regarding The "Truth"/ Organization???
The bottom line of course!
The truth about the truth is that it's fantasy, untrue. The Witnesses get you to give up your life and follow their views as if they were speaking for God Himself. We've been duped!!
Big Dog
I think its a combination of wanting to perpetuate itself, once set in motion tends to continue in motion and the old the more people you can get to believe the way you do, the more it affirms your belief.