What Is The "Bottom Line" Regarding The "Truth"/ Organization???

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    I believe it is nothing more than a money laundering racket,posing under the guise of religion to reap benefits from the government. Its ultimate goal is to be portrayed to the world as a peaceful, christian religion, while at the same time amassing tremendous amounts of money. It hates negative publicity, and will do anything to keep the real truth from being known. Its all about numbers, keeping the amount of publishers up, and sending the money to Brooklyn. Where is this money going? to build kingdom halls? think again, the kingdom halls are paid for by the local witnesses, and when its paid off, its donated back to the WT Society, What an elaborate scheme!!! IF only the mafia were this cunning!! I will tell you what, if there ever was such a thing as an Illuminati or conspiracy thing, this organization would surely fit the bill.

  • Pole
    the kingdom halls are paid for by the local witnesses, and when its paid off, its donated back to the WT Society, What an elaborate scheme!!!

    Not sure if that's the case in the US as well, but that's not the end of the story here. Actually the full cycle is this:

    1) The congo donates to the KH construction fund
    2) The congo collects extra funds to build their own KH and they may have to take a loan from the WTS to finance other costs (the loan is possible thatnks to the construction fund the congregation partly contributed to).
    3) The congo works for free to build the KH
    4) When the construction is finished the congo finally has it's own KH, right? Wrong. They have to cede it to the WTS.
    5) They also have to start paying off the loan.
    6) They also have to maintain the Hall. It's their hall after all, isn't it?
    7) After they've paid off the loan, they continue contributing to the KH construction fund.


    Now how many times have they paid for the Hall without ever buying it?

    Go figure.


  • Honesty
    The truth about the truth is that it's fantasy, untrue. The Witnesses get you to give up your life and follow their views as if they were speaking for God Himself. We've been duped!!

    I prefer to think that we were asleep, mini. We've been duped sounds so stupid of us. Uhhhh you're right... We've been duped

  • minimus

    Pole, laying it out like that makes us all look sooooooooo stoooooooopid.

  • Blueblades

    MINI, The bottom line is they don't have the truth and they are not God's Organization. Read Don Cameron's "Captives of a Concept". He demonstrates what the bottom line is in this book. You can download it for $5.00 or book price is @$12.00


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