He was just found not guilty on two counts, and the jury was deadlocked 11-1 on the third count.
by Sunspot 61 Replies latest social current
He was just found not guilty on two counts, and the jury was deadlocked 11-1 on the third count.
sheesh....that is messed up..
Wow so what happens with the dead lock ? Does that mean he can be retried or is that it?
Yep.. he was laughing up a storm when the verdict came out.
Yep.. he was laughing up a storm when the verdict came out.
Funny...I thought he was crying.
Yet another OJ drama... It's amazing how Scott Peterson (I totally believe he is guilty) can get the death penalty and yet famous figures Robert Blake and OJ Simpson (both also guilty as sin in my opinion) can walk. Go figure!
Wow so what happens with the dead lock ?
The judge asked the lawyers about that and they didn't want something made known---and the jury was asked to go into the judges chambers. They are still there as far as I can see.
Sunspot... I could be wrong... heh. Amazing how the two emotions look similar at a distance, eh?
Who could blame him for whacking out that gold digging human garbage that tried to rip him off? Justice served.
Thanks Annie ,i really thought they would have found him guility.