Blake was officially released just now, and the bracelet was cut off. We never did hear what the deadlock entailed. Seeing his release must prove that the judge was satisfied with whatever she needed to know.
Robert Blake Found Not Guilty!
by Sunspot 61 Replies latest social current
Sunspot... I could be wrong... heh. Amazing how the two emotions look similar at a distance, eh?
I was thinking the same thing, LOL! Maybe *I* had seen it wrong! At first he WAS smiling and seemed amazed, but after a few moments, it looked as though he was crying. Just my take on it.
Who could blame him for whacking out that gold digging human garbage that tried to rip him off? Justice served.
It's HARD not to be judgmental about her, isn't it? Whatta piece-o-work SHE was, huh!
Thanks Annie ,i really thought they would have found him guility.
I thought it was a real possibilty---but I have been watching this very closely, and I never felt he had done it.
They just said that the count was 11-1 for not guilty, and the judge has thrown it out so that the two counts remained not guilty.
They also said that Blake was crying and visibly shaking and had told someone he was having a "tear-duct" problem, trying to make a lighter moment out of it.
Rosie has her Daddy back!
God! Finally! Now he can get on with his life and will have learned a lesson about falling for a celebrity-crazy bitch.
Who could blame him for whacking out that gold digging human garbage that tried to rip him off? Justice served.
He killed his child's mother over money. That is far from justice.
He killed his child's mother over money. That is far from justice.
Well, apparently the jury didn't see it that way.
He killed his child's mother over money. That is far from justice.
She was a career grifter who led a life of bilking people out of their money. Her problem was she kept playing her evil game until she played someone who didn't abide by the usual victim rules.
What, this guy?
Another child star gone bad!!