Does anyone remember this travesty of justice?

by berylblue 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    Kelly Michaels' nightmare began on Apil 30, 1985 when a four-year-old boy who was a student of hers at the Wee Care Day Nursery said, when a nurse put a thermometer in his rectum, "That's what my teacher does to me at nap time at school." When asked what he meant, the boy replied, "Her takes my temperature."

    That one comment--easily capable of an innocent interpretation--began a criminal investigation that would lead to Michaels being charged with 131 counts of sexual abuse against twenty children. She allegedly raped and assaulted her three to five-year-old charges with knives, spoons, and Lego blocks. Prosecutors also contended she licked peanut butter off of the children's genitals, played piano in the nude, and made the kids drink her urine. All of this abuse, according to prosecutors, somehow went unnoticed by other teachers, parents, or administrators during the seven months she worked at the Wee Care Nursery. Michaels, age twenty-six, would be convicted of 115 counts of abuse, and in 1988 sentenced to forty-seven years in prison.

    The blame for this travesty of justice must rest largely on investigators and prosecutors. "Believe the children" became the motto for the trial.

    Division of Youth and Family Service Investigators, convinced of Michaels' guilt and determined to uncover the full extent of her treachery, repeatedly questioned children about possible sexual abuse. Most children said at first that they liked Kelly and that she did nothing wrong. Investigators called this "the denial phase." The investigators pressed on, pulling out implements and anatomically correct dolls, telling them that other kids had revealed Kelly's misdeeds, telling them that Kelly was in jail. Kids want to please adults. They are easily moved to change answers by suggestive questions. Eventually the kids provided the answers investigators were looking--indeed, hoping--to hear.

    Parents were given "symptom charts," and asked to report behavior that might be indicative of past sexual abuse--things like bedwetting and nightmares. Not surprisingly, symptoms were found.

    In the atmosphere of intimidation and moral hysteria, those that should have come forward to defend Michaels did not. Other teachers said later that they believed expressions of support for Michaels might have led to the filing of charges against them as well.

    Dorothy Rabinowitz, writing about the Michaels case in Harper's Magazine, offered this reflection on the case:

    We are a society that, every fifty years or so, is afflicted by some paroxysm of virtue--an orgy of self-cleansing through which evil of one kind or another is cast out. From the witch-hunts of Salem to the communist hunts of the McCarthy era to the current shrill fixation on child abuse, there runs a common thread of moral hysteria. After the McCarthy era, people would ask: But how could it have happened? How could the presumption of innocence have been abandoned wholesale? How did large and powerful institutions acquiesce as congressional investigators ran roughshod over civil liberties--all in the name of a war on communists? How was it possible to believe that subversives lurked behind every library door, in every radio station, that every two-bit actor who had belonged to the wrong political organization posed a threat to the nation's security?

    Years from now people doubtless will ask the same questions about our present era--a time when the most improbable charges of abuse find believers; when it is enough only to be accused by anonymous sources to be hauled off by investigators; a time when the hunt for child abusers has become a national pathology.

    The reason I bring this up (and I do so at great risk of offending genuine survivors of abuse) is because many seem to be so damned certain that Michael Jackson is guilty. Everyone was CERTAIN this woman was as well.

    False accusations are the new "crucible". Angry at your ex? Want to seek revenge? Need some money fast? Accuse someone of molesting your child. Even a whisper wil have the effect of ruining his or her life forever.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Years ago there was a case here where a lady, 'Lindy Chamberlain', was jailed after the authorities didn't believe that a dingo took her baby at a campsite - fact is, it just hadn't happened before, BUT, the crucial bit was that they were members of an "odd" church, SDA's or something, so no one trusted her.

    A couple of years ago dingoes near a camp site took down and killed a young boy (might have been an 8 y.o. I think).

  • kls

    Wether MJ is guility or not ,his own actions of having to share his bed to show love is just wrong. If i invited my kids friends over and to show them i liked them and cared for them in my bed i would be in jail. It is up to the courts to his guilt or innocence but MJ actions put him where he is.

    There are many travesty's but in the case of MJ, he allowed himself to be a target.

  • Narkissos

    Great article. I'm even surprised it could be written in the midst of the current hysteria. We have had some similar cases in France (including big trials in which dozens of people were jailed for years... and for nothing; some of them committing suicide in the meantime).

    Child abuse is a very serious problem, but mass and administration paranoia is certainly not a solution.

  • berylblue
    Wether MJ is guility or not ,his own actions of having to share his bed to show love is just wrong. If i invited my kids friends over and to show them i liked them and cared for them in my bed i would be in jail. It is up to the courts to his guilt or innocence but MJ actions put him where he is.

    There are many travesty's but in the case of MJ, he allowed himself to be a target.

    You won't get any argument from me that MJ is a nutcase. But being a nutcase does not necessariliy mean one is a pedophile. Too many persons simply cannot see the difference. In the case of Kelly Michaels, this woman became a target of hysteria, not because she was a nutcase. And this goes on all the time. I realize that talking about false accusations is not going to make me very popular here, but it has become a problem of significant proportions in this country.

  • bisous

    Personally, I believe you are innocent until proven guilty. Similarly, we don't know if the MJ accusations are false or true until the trial concludes. So his accuser deserves the same treatment as the accused ... wait and see before we characterize. He is no more levelling false accusations than Jackson is proven guilty.

    Time will tell.

  • berylblue

    I'm not saying the accuser is leveling false accusations. I'm saying that there are a lot of PROVEN false accusations, and that this is becoming a major problem in the US.

    "An Injustice To One Man
    Threatens Justice To All Men Equally"

    Not only are children victims of real abuse, but also of the parental alienation or SAID syndromes, where the abuse-excuse is used as a tactic or bargaining chip by one parent seeking divorce and/or child custody. Studies indicate that malicious false child abuse allegations made in bad faith occur ~ 2% - 5% of the time. Many of the same, according to Ira Turkat, Ph.D., occur globally and as a result of Divorce-Related *Malicious Moms* Syndrome. Click HERE

    Recent research indicates that most unfounded claims of sexual child abuse are fostered by "delusional" accusers. Hickman & Reynolds in their paper entitled "Effects of False Allegations of Sexual Abuse on Children and Families," believe delusional accusers, usually mothers, may suffer from a mental health condition such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and they will shop for an expert to confirm their child has been abused, and will not take NO for an answer! Same accusers use the psychological phenomena of projection and transferance to convince the "abused" child ...Daddy touched you in bad places!

    There exists recently published guidelines for treating victims of sexual and physical child abuse. Funded by the U.S. Dept. of Justice and Office for Victims of Crime, the findings strongly suggest that all therapeutic protocols be empirically supported:

    Dr. Charles Ford, a psychiatrist and author of the book Lies, Lies, Lies: The Psychology of Deceit (American Psychiatric Press, 1999) refers to a phenomenon known as "Pseudologia Fantastica," or pathological lying. Sometimes associated with Borderline Personality Disorder and a symptom of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy or Factitious Disorder, these fantastic liars, who are not the same as delusional psychotics, according to Dr. Ford, about 1/3 of the time will suffer some form of brain dysfunction. He says that "Such liars are often smooth-talking narcissists, so self-centered they often think they can construct a reality. In many instances, the lying gets worse as the liar gets more power." Please CLICK HERE

    In cases where a delusional or false accuser cannot be properly diagnosed and/or treated, it is possible now to conduct a Brain SPECT Imaging Scan of the same. In some instances, SPECT scanning has been deemed more reliable than the PET scan, MRI, or EEG: CLICK HERE

    Recent studies conducted by Ceci, Bruck, McBrien, and Dagenbach have shed light on two highly probable reasons for the vast number of unfounded and erroneous child abuse reports; i.e. confirmatory bias (whereby social services and the authorities have a pre-conceived notion the abuse already occurred when they undertake an investigation) and source misattributions (whereby the children and *professionals* misattribute the source or origin of the so-called abuse) are necessities your defense suggestibility expert must learn about! Call 1-800-374-2721 to order the Ceci/Bruck bible - Jeopardy In The Courtroom.

    In addition, Dr. Ceci, et al, have developed a new test to determine the extent, or lack thereof, of suggestibility and memory recall relative to individual differences in children at least the age of four and one-half. Called the VSSC (Video Suggestibility Scale for Children), it could be an important tool for child protection workers, psychologists, and attorneys, especially in cases where kids change their stories. Here is the professional journal article on the VSSC: CLICK HERE

    In 2002, as reported by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, of the 2.6 million reports of alleged child abuse and neglect in America, 66% or 2/3, were unconfirmed or unsubstantiated: CLICK HERE

    According to a recently published study by the Department of Justice and conducted by Dr. David Finkelhor from the National Crimes Against Children Laboratory in Durham, New Hampshire, the incidence of sexual child abuse declined 40% betweeen 1992 and 2000. Please click here to read about it -

    Susan Smith and the Menendez Brothers used the "cry wolf" defense mechanism, too, in their attempts to evade punishment for their wrongdoings.

    Here, employers of the abuse-excuse, will not assume culpability for their own actions. They, too, may suffer from BPD, or some other mental health disorder!

    • those malcontents who commit unspeakable acts and prey upon our children;
    • those vindictive grudge bearers who wield children as "pawns and puppets" in bitter divorce and custody battles;

    They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law!

    The very solution has become the problem!

    Lacking the necessary education and training skills to conduct objective and competent child protective "investigations," intake workers at social service agencies remove non-abused children from their homes frequently; and in doing so, leave truly abused children in jeopardy. Combine this equation with a mental health industry that is rendering unnecessary clinical therapies for alleged repressed memories, and you have a prescription for disaster.

    To exacerbate matters, our triers-of-facts, our courts, our rubber stamping error-rich recommendations from guardians-ad-litem, social services, child protection teams, and therapists... forcing non-abused children into foster care homes while allowing kids in harm's way to die (at the hands of the state).

    The end result:

    The JonBenet Ramsay, Megan Kanka and Polly Klauss-type cases have caused a backlash. These horrific stories of children raped and/or murdered have accentuated the number of child abuse reports.

    • 160,000 reports of suspected child abuse were reported in 1963. That number exploded to 1.7 million in 1985.
    • And a report disseminated by the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) Child Maltreatment 1995: Reports From the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, depicts more than three million reports of alleged child abuse and neglect that year. However, two million of those complaints were without foundation or false!

    In addition, our child protection laws, such as The Mondale Act and Megan's Law, have instigated and invited scores of anonymous and unfounded reports of abuse to be made.

    Anonymous reporting of child abuse is an open invitation for governmental intrusion into American homes. This *parens patriae* mindset has spawned such child *advocate* leaders as Dr. C. Henry Kempe to champion government authorized visitations (totalitarianism) resulting in family *support* workers teaching parents, parenting! Click on *Beware The Child Protectors* and read about it, here!

    A recently published abstract authored by experts at the Mayo Clinic sheds light on the difference between childrens' sexual behavior and child sexual abuse. The study shows with unwavering certainty that many children are sexually curious and the same need *not* be construed as *consistent with sexual abuse*. Click HERE

  • confusedjw


    If i invited my kids friends over and to show them i liked them and cared for them in my bed i would be in jail.

    Or be known as the best neighborhood mom ever!

    (please don't flame me to a crisp)

  • kls

    Agreed that many are accused that are innocent but don't set yourself up for being accused .

    You bring up a really good point and as far as this post making you not very popular, i understand what you are saying.

    Just stay out of dark alleys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,,,,,,,,kidding

  • kls

    Confusedjw,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,thanks for the laugh

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