My computer is acting up. Ok, for you folks who don't know about structural buildings let me shed some light. I've erected a number of skyscrapers and let me tell you, the weight, the thickness and the amount of bolts holding these structural pieces together is something to behold. All these columns are encased in concrete, another point to consider.
I had personal relatives erect the WTC. This building wasn't designed as a regular building. The middle core wasn't as solid as your normal structural building, this had trusses. I never thought the building would collapse in the manner it did. As a structural steelworker this wasn't the norm. This type of collapse had the makings of being bombed.
The Proof!!!!: The Use of Explosives on 911 at the World Trade Center Compl
by Ianone 121 Replies latest jw friends
The first building fell sideways though...
Only the type fell sideways, and that was only because the plane had punctured such a hole in the side.
When you chop a tree down, you start on one side and it falls sideways., THe rest of the building impoded, and the Firefighters SAID, the floors when down one by one, pancake style.
Opps, only the top fell sideways, i meant to say. My bad.
There have been numerous documentaries involving the architects of the WTC who demonstrated the unique modular steel frame construction and the center core issues and is is quite clear why the building collapsed the way it did. They showed actual news reel footage of the buildings being erected and then showed the structural debris following the attack. No big mystery unless you are looking to make one.
Maybe it was macgyver with a piece of chewing gum and a paper clip.....
Personally...when I watched it on my TV...I saw planes loaded with jet fuel and innocent people flying into the buildings.
I took these pictures back in April of 1977.
Just watched the clip..... Goin' on a limb here.
Maybe Silverstein bought the buildings, insured them, rigged the charges to drop them............And the Terrorists beat him to the punch?....Stranger things have happened.
Yea... two Jumbo Jets full of JP seemed to be (were) the primary weapons on the day in question. Not a doubt about that.
WHo are the terrorists?? members of Israeli Mossad were seen crawling all over this operation. Silverstein is connected with Mossad.
Here is one of the Documentaries...."Why the Towers Fell" This was a NOVA Special and involved the original architect...obviously there are no cloak and dagger conspiracy theories or illuminati or mossad references, just facts from engineers and people who were on scene for both construction and the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.
looks like your scanner needs a clean JH