The Proof!!!!: The Use of Explosives on 911 at the World Trade Center Compl

by Ianone 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    The video "America 911" (Camera Planet, c 2001) has footage shot at Ground Zero on the afternoon of 9/11, and sometime before 4:15, a firefighter being interviewed points to Building 7 and notes that the building was already leaning and was going to collapse:

    "You see where the white smoke is, you see the thing leaning like this? It's definitely going to come down. There's no way to stop it. 'Cause you have to go up in there to put it out and it's already... the structural integrity is not there in the building. It's tough, this is terrific, you know we're getting hit with just about everything today, this is beyond..."

    Just thought I'd add that into the mix...

  • SixofNine

    It's amazing that they (that elusive group o'sumbitches) got all the structural engineers and Architects of the WTC (and all other highrises in the world) in on their evil conspiracy, but they shooooore did. I'm just glad we have honest steel workers in this world to clue us in on What-Is-Really-Going-On in the world. We'd be fucked otherwise.

  • Golf

    Are structural engineers always on the money? If so, how is that the roof of an arena in Hartford Conn. collapsed? The roof had been covered with extra snow. I believe there was a basketball game going on that night. This was a case of extreme luck that the roof did not collapse during the game but later.

    How about another structure also in Conn. in which the cement was NOT completely dried enough and they start setting steel? The building collapsed killing a few ironworkers.

    The following site gives an analysis of the energy needed to crumble the World Trade center.

    There's more to erecting a structural framework than just uniting the steel together.

    What may interest people to know is that many of these structural foremen on construction sites don't even have an 8th grade education! Their experience and knowledge beats out any engineer. Many buildings are out of plumb! I worked on one in Combat Zone in Boston and it would scare you. Once the construction starts, that's it! They depend on other trades like the 'curtain' wall people to hide the mistakes. The building may be well put together but its out of whack.

    A fellow ironworker died this spring when a crane collapsed on him. This was a weird occurence, you hardly hear of this happening to an ironworker. Two of my older brothers got hurt badly. One fell six floors and the other had a beam dropped on him, both survived.

    Today the safety standards are much tighter but workers still get injured. I thought sharing some stories about ironworkers would give you some insight to their occupation.


  • avishai

    Oh, geez. Even Art Bell does'nt buy this.

  • JustMeNonJDub

    I believe that Popular Mechanics did a great job of debunking the kooks that continue the conspiracy. Art Bell, a firm believer in conspiracy theories, had the author of the Popular Mechanics article. I stayed up that night (about two weeks ago) and determined that what he had to say was plausible and made more sense than the wacko conspiracy theories bounding about the 'net. I also found that the hysteria of the conspircy theorists is quite laughable. Calling any that disagree with their theories part of the "government cover-up" or better yet part of the "Zionist propaganda machine." Zionist is usually equiates to anti-Semite in my mind. Just my two cents.

  • teejay

    It always amazes me to see a group of people, after wasting years of their life and years of their children's lives, being perfectly comfortable being told to, "shut up... believe what we tell you... you're in good hands... everything will be alright."

    I would think ex-JWs would be the most cynical, distrusting, disillusioned people on the planet. It shocks me whenever I see that's usually not the case.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I don't believe everything I hear and that goes on both sides. The conspiracy people bring up some good valid points but unfortunately it?s the extreme wacko stories we hear about that discredits their whole story. I am not saying that the government was behind any conspiracy but how far will a government go to get us into a war that they have already being caught in a lie about WMD??? Some of those war hawks at the pentagon mentality are that sacrificing 3000 lives is nothing as long as the ends justify the means. The war hawks have been planning this war for the last 15 years; they just used the 9/11 as justification to complete their plans of world domination. So whither the conspiracy theorists are right or wrong, all these things play into their hands.

  • Golf

    WP, here's a famous quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

    So, what is a conspiracy? My dictionary says, "the act of conspiring; secret planning to do something wrong, especially a wrong against a government, public personage, against the manhood of every one of its members. 2.a combination of persons for an evil or unlawful purpose; plot:

    Begining from the 3rd chapter of Genesis the world of conspiracy 'starts.' As I have mentioned before, I had a brother that was a con-artist. To those who poo-poo conspiracy, I wish, yes, I wish you had known him.


  • teejay
    "In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."

    The events on 9-11 weren't political events, of course, but few would argue that they were certainly planned. The question lies in what exactly happened, who knew what and when. There's ample reason to believe that the whole story has not been and will likely never be told.

    Apparently, there are millions of Americans, despite America's well-documented duplicitous history, who trust American leaders without the slightest question. I'd have an easier time accepting their blind trust if I knew they'd not experienced being lied to in the past in any other setting.

    The fact that ex-JWs who have, at considerable cost to themselves, can turn their backs on their own personal history and blindly accept what they are told is something that amazes me.

  • Golf

    TJ its the 'planning' I'm interested in. If you ever get a chance to read Elizabeth Dilling's book, "The Roosevelt Red Record And Its Background" it will make you think twice.

    I have mentioned a few times that I'm involved in poltics in my hometown, I think after a few years I can offer some insights to planning.


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