If John Couey had been executed or imprisoned for life the FIRST time he was convicted
Jessica Lundsford would still be alive....
by avishai 50 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I hear you avishai. There really needs to be harder punishments that are actually enforced upon these sick predators. This story has really broken my heart.
Being a father of a little girl, I'm really pissed off. jails are full of guys in there for smoking a joint while this sick f**k is out stalking our kids. They said his rap sheet spans 30+ years. So much for 3 strike laws. How many more kids have to be dug before something is done?
It was terrible to watch the Uncle and family here in Gastonia on the news.I cried and just was so upset!
They were running the campaign and webpage looking for Jessica and hoping to find her alive. The news was so heart breaking and made me so made that this SOB was out there! Then when I heard that the people around this person were protecting him! I blew a fuse!
This family is in such pain and needlessly so!
That is beyond tragic!
At a news conference late Friday from Ohio, the girl's mother, Angela Bryant, repeatedly made the same vow: Couey, she said, "will pay."
"This man's hurt too many people," she said through tears. "He's hurt too many children. And one of them is my daughter. He took her life from her and she didn't deserve it. He will pay. He will pay. For hurting them children out there and my daughter, he will pay."
Avishai I agree with you! No more putting child molesters in prison only to let them out again. It's been proved that you can't rehabilitate them they deserve to be executed!
Avishai I agree with you! No more putting child molesters in prison only to let them out again. It's been proved that you can't rehabilitate them they deserve to be executed!
I don't know if deserve is the right word . These guys are sooo sick. It shows from the fact that you CAN'T rehabilatate them. It does'nt even come from hate or anger at them for me any more, but at a society that does'nt do something about it. If you can't rehabilatate them, they are sick, compulsive. That's all. But we can't expose our kids to it.
I keep thinking the same thing. My husband and I were talking about the extreme "freedom" we have in this country compared to other countries where you can be tried for a crime and executed the next day. There are more places that "live by the sword" where we seem to live by long drawn out courts here. It's really a shame that in the interest of freedom, criminals continue to offend.
I have no idea what the solution is, but I don't believe in rehabilitation.
I have followed this case since the beginning. It's such a horrific tragedy! I can't believe that we live in a society where we have to monitor Martha Stewart with an ankle bracelet and we allow our sex offenders to roam around and target our children!
Something is wrong with this picture!
Avashi: So true:( I also wonder if they are going to look for his involvement with other cases. Seems that he was VERY slick about his crime, which doesn't bode well for it being his first murder. How many children are we going to sacrafice as a country to a smuck like him before we start to realize they can NOT be rehabilitated.
Avishai maybe deserve isn't the best word to use I'm thinking of another more better word....
It does'nt even come from hate or anger at them for me any more, but at a society that does'nt do something about it. If you can't rehabilatate them, they are sick, compulsive. That's all. But we can't expose our kids to it.
That's exactly my thinking on it Avi! I don't have hate or anger for them but I do for their actions and what they do to their victims. They are acting out in hate and anger in the worst way possible and on innocent, weak and vulnerable children. What could be more horrible?
I am totally for execution and swift at that to such individuals it is the only way to rid our society of these scum like people. I'm also for the death penalty for murderers and if I were Queen (LOL) our prisons would be like those in Arizona (Pinal County) where they live in substandard living tents in the middle of the desert and sleep on the ground as well as have to work the ground for their existence tethered to each other by chains. Prisons are too cushy, prisoners have too many rights!
I agree with you JTP:
There are more places that "live by the sword" where we seem to live by long drawn out courts here. It's really a shame that in the interest of freedom, criminals continue to offend.
Avi deserve is too good for them NEED is a better word!