Jessica Lundsford would still be alive....

by avishai 50 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • doogie
    I obviously was not speaking in general terms *human society*. Societies that advocate violence and government-sanctioned killing haven't fared too well in history....I guess 'cause we don't chop off hands for thievery and stone people for other offenses, we are a rung above, eh?

    sorry. i guess that wasn't 'obvious' to me.

    which specific society were you speaking of? it seems to me that throughout history the most heavy handed governments usually prospered the most, lastest the longest and were the most difficult to overthrow. i'm certainly not advocating dictatorships or anything like that and i do think that the death penalty should not be used even as frequently as it is now, i'm just saying that i don't agree that capital punishment dooms societies.

    agree to disagree.

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