The new OM Book.

by The Thinker 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    You jest but it may well be known as The OJ book

  • IP_SEC

    Well I just skimmed it.

    It is a solid work of propaganda. Each page is like a whole wt study article full of loaded language.

    Not to much new. They could have given us a little 10 page update insert instead of a new book. When my wife saw it the first thing she said was "Ahhh not green again, why couldnt we get another colour"

  • Oroborus21

    count yourself lucky that it is hardbound..


  • seattleniceguy
    green hardback book. This really is a restricted book.

    Yep. Green and hardback. That's restricted all right. Just green is okay, and just hardback - well, we don't get those around these parts much anymore. But hardback and green? Restricted material all the way. You'll need Level 4 "publisher" status for that. Or an account on eBay.

    Officer SNG

  • 95stormfront

    This has to be the first hardback book they've published in years. Can anyone even remember the last one.

  • purplesofa

    Was it the Greatest Man book?

  • blondie

    The new theocratic school book came out in 2002, hardbound.

  • toreador

    I thought the new scoop on Dfing in the new book was that they now just say they are NO longer a jw instead. someone please clarify. Have they in fact changed it?

  • IP_SEC
    I thought the new scoop on Dfing in the new book was that they now just say they are NO longer a jw instead. someone please clarify. Have they in fact changed it?

    Its a non change except for the actual announcement.

    OD 154-155

    "[Name of Person] is no longer one of Jehovah's witnesses. This will alert faithful members of the congregation to stop associating with the person"

    Its an addtion to the dub lexicon, No longer a witness= DF'd or DA'd. The book makes it plain that this status does not apply to inactive ppl.

  • catchthis

    Is it more difficult to scan a hard cover book than it is a paperback?

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