Am I a bad person?

by Nancy Drake 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flash

    Are you a bad person?? No, even so, lying and stealing are never good. So the next question is, how do you correct it? Or, do you live with the guilt and wait for the boomerang to come back to you?

  • Golf

    Don't lose no sleep nor worry about it. As long as you had the receipt they will replace it or give you back the money.


  • bikerchic
    Well, I didn't follow directions and I ended up snapping it right off the pipe....oops.

    Nancy it's not your fault they print those dang directions in every launguage but english! Personally I like the directions that have pictures and numbers to follow, yep that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  • Archimedes

    Nope - crappy design if you ask me. For $35, it shouldn't be so easy (and fun) to break.

  • jeanniebeanz
    It's not like you had sex in a Kingdom Hall or anything.

    Heavens!... Is that a bad thing?

    Actually, I thought this was going to be about something else after that first sentence. No, I don't think that is evil or makes you a 'bad person'. It's not telling the truth, but it does not make you a 'bad person'.


  • confusedjw

    I'm still on stuck on why you didn't read the directions. I always read the directions completely before I start a project. Sometimes I take the instructions to bed the night before for bed time reading for the next day's project.

    And I am actually not kidding.

    <------------------- (HELP I"M BEING TAKEN OVER BY MY AVATAR)

  • kaykay_mp

    I don't think you are. The same thing happened to me and a fajita skillet that I got at Wal-Mart. About a month had passed since I bought it and I finally decided to use it. I think I was supposed to let oil soak in the pan first. But I couldn't wait to make some quesadillas (damn apartments without natural gas to warm tortillas!) The skillet almost broke in half when the heat got really high. What a waste of $7. I must have spent 30 minutes in the customer service line at the store. I didn't say anything, but they automatically assumed that the skillet was already broken when I tried to use it. Then I got my $7 back. SCORE!!

    Damn I'm good.



  • adelmaal

    Reminds me of the time my friend bought a new step thingy for exercising. She set it up and got to stepping to her new exersize video that came with it. She found the video quite frustrating because she could not keep up with all the moves and in her fit of rage/frustration she jumped up in the air and came down full force on the step a few times shattering it into little pieces (picture a woman PMS-in and taking it out on her step). LOL!

    She took it back to Target in a bag full of pieces and just said, "I don't know what happened. It fell apart on me."

    She got her money back and we all got a good laugh out of it.

  • codeblue

    Nancy: stop it...don't feel bad.

    They want you to be a satisfied customer.............

    I take stuff back all the time....I don't feel bad.



  • whyamihere


    You are not bad! I have done that same thing too! Don't worry.

    Hey when Christmas comes around again drop a little money for charity even it out a little for god! There are far more things in life to have guilt over!!!!!! My advice "put that baby on pluse and move on to greater sins!!!!!!!!!!"

    Zman, you have the best answer!
    So Nancy just turn the 35 dollar shower head into a Cheap 35 dollar Prostitute!

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