Am I a bad person?

by Nancy Drake 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    Someone has to help me here.

    What is it that is so fascinating about an adult spanking, be you the adminstrator, or thee administratee? I find it naughty & nice in the same sweep, though I prefer to spank then to be spunk.

    Inquiring mind needs a cold shower. Somebody pass the showerhead o'er here!!!

  • zman

    Synwhaticly challenged!!! "MOM shes using big words again!!!!!",,,,, Well even if I can't spell and even if I do have the literary skills of a inner city fifth grader. I still have the best answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so Puffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttt *sound made blowing out with lips and tongue pressed together* have fun SINNER!!!!!!!!!! lmao

  • love11

    You need to be locked away for good!!! ( evil laugh HAHAHA )

    Come on... the stuff someone would need to feel guilty about would be... Let's say:

    • Breaking up millions of families all over the world.
    • Turning people into mindless robots
    • Telling wives to do their wifely duties to the likes of the jw men.
    • and making all respectable people get crotch sweat that early on a Saturday morning.
  • Preston

    Who can resist providing top notch customer service to this babe. She can have the shower head and a brand new kitchen sink as far as I'm concerned.

    - Preston

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    She does sort of have that I need servicing look doesn't she Preston?

  • Preston
    She does sort of have that I need servicing look doesn't she Preston?

    She's got it goin' on I must say. She could probably raid the gardening dept. with ease at her neighborhood home depot. - Preston

  • Undecided
  • Turning people into mindless robots
  • Telling wives to do their wifely duties to the likes of the jw men.
  • and making all respectable people get crotch sweat that early on a Saturday morning.
  • Darn Love11, now you are making me feel guilty.

    Ken P.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Liar, liar, pants on fire!

    Aw well, at least you got a brand new one.

    Now, resolve to follow instructions better the next time, so you won't have to do this again.


  • xjw_b12

    lol at confusedjw

    I'm still on stuck on why you didn't read the directions. I always read the directions completely before I start a project. Sometimes I take the instructions to bed the night before for bed time reading for the next day's project.

    And I am actually not kidding.

    When I get a new vehicle I read the whole owners manual.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake
    As for bringing it back.. I know someone who bought a 4 pack of underwears at Wally world. After he had worn and washed them, they shrunk. He brought them back to walmart, insisting on getting his money back.

    FAIRCHILD: You gonna leave me hangin' like that? SO??? Did he get his money back?

    Awwwww, Nancy!! "Bad people" don't generally worry or wonder about if they're bad or not!!

    MISSY: I probably am bad, seeing that I only tell you guys stuff so you can alleviate my guilty conscience. Hehehe. And I love you all for it!

    4 out of 5 apostates agree, pulse action on the shower head

    LOL, SEAWOLF: followed by a long spanking session...

    I prefer to spank then to be spunk

    PROPHECOR: Is spunk even a word??? Well, call my spunky Brewster then.

    ZMAN: No matter what, you'll always be my favorite illiterate yokel.

    PRESTON & BIG DOG: Not only are you guys alleviating my're doing a job on my ego as well!!!

    Now, resolve to follow instructions better the next time, so you won't have to do this again.

    DY: I know, I know. I always tell myself I'm going to read the directions, but I always think directions are written for dummies and I get impatient and then after I 'f' it up...then I realize the instructions WERE written for dummies...ME.

    When I get a new vehicle I read the whole owners manual.

    XJW: I feel sorry for your wife.

    KEN P.: So, tell us about this Sunday morning crotch sweat you feel guilty about....


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