Was your family a supportive one? Whether they were Witnesses or not? Were they hard asses whether they were JWs or not? How do they treat you now???
What Kind of Family Do You/ Did You Have While In The "Truth"?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
my family was a VERY close-knit family. It was the four of us against "Satan's World"...(thinks back..good grief...) its amazing how disfellowshipping changes everything...now my father doesnt return emails...havent spoken to mother in what seems to be forever now...my sister and I have grown close though. She is still jw but she gives me credit for putting my life back together from where I was...(another memory of a homeless, strung out, crazed zanex...) so all in all I have my sister...I am content with that. If that is the only string of blood family that chooses to associate with me so be it.
Unfortunately, JW "family" is not real family, in most cases.
My immediate family were very strong, strict witnesses.
Funny, all have left.
Never would have guessed.
FREEDOM----Good for all of you!
Cheaters, Liars, Materialistic, Prideful, Bashing, Molesting, Drunks, Idolaters, Gossiping, Abusing, Self-righteous, Pre Marital Sex, Smoking and Drug Abuse ETC!
Doubtfully Yours
Big family. Strict JW father, elder, regular pioner. Submissive JW wife.
School, kingdom hall, service, was all I ever knew. Very seldom did we engage in entertainment activities. I was desperate to be old enough to leave, and so I did as soon as I finished college and landed a secure job.
I believe that the restrictive and closed-in way we were brought up is the reason why several of my siblings don't want anything to do with the WTBTS, and have moved far away from it all.
I should've had the same resolve, but my parents rely heavily on me. I can't just leave them the way the others have.
Whyamihere, they must be Witnesses.
My family was kinda so-so. Some things they did well, some not so well. Now, they shun me entirely, so I have no idea...
Watchtowerism does not encourage normal family loving.