Schizm: On the other hand, look who it is that hasn't caught onto what the WTS has done by becoming an NGO with the UN. You're absolutely hilarious, OldSoul. Talking about cheap intertainment!
While I know for certain why they associated themselves to the UN, I also suspect I know your thoughts on the matter. You are a conspiracy theorist and full of Shiite. You have only conjecture to substantiate your view, but I will humor you by bringing your fantasy into the open:
Schizm finds out about the WTS associating to the NGO. A reasonable person would investigate the allegation, but Schizm isn't reasonable. He is mildly troubled at first though. Then, at the unlikeliest of times, it hits him like a bolt out of the blue (probably guided by Holy Spirit).
"What better way to see who is truly loyal no matter what?" postulates Schizm, as he leans forward to wipe a remnant of feces from his anus. A glint in his eye, he begins to mentally weave a tall tale of Theocratically Acceptable Deception (TAD for short) designed to catch the unstable in a trap! Over time, this becomes his only way to justify the behaviors he sees. He is presented with a paradox of actions that plainly do not match stated belief, and he invents an imaginary solution that allows him to continue associating with Jehovah's Witnesses.
Of course, he only has a TAD for proof, and a TAD of logic to support this tall tale. But for him, a TAD is plenty. "Speak truth, each one with his neighbor." "If anyone stumbles one of these little ones..." "...they bind up heavy loads but are unwiling to budge them with their finger." "...avoid even the appearance of evil." "...not to be stumbling anyone..."
Such plain spoken principles must simply be a TAD too inconvenient for Schizm to think about, because that would mean the unthinkable -- reality is real. Br-r-r-r!
Schizm, I have a very good imagination. I prefer to avoid relying too much on it, though. For some reason, I have the strange idea I am supposed to be using "intellect" and "logic" instead. For some reason, I have this notion that I should be testing what I am told for error. Oh, wait! That's simply because I don't twist what the Bible says!
Romans 12:1, 2 is plain. "Power of reason?" Logikos. Logic.
1 John 4:1 is plain. "Test?" The root word means put to the test. Try. Prove. The same word is used in Romans 12:2 for "prove."
Hebrews 5:14 is plain. "Distinguish?" The root word is diakrinos. It basically means to judge between, to decide between, to discern the character or nature of, to choose with understanding. Diakrinos is a dangerous concept for Jehovah's Witnesses. You should stop it, if you want to remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses. A Watchtower said that diakrinos leads to presumptive doubts about the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Bible says diakrinos leads to spiritual maturity. I already know which source you trust more.