Hey PS, I'm glad you enjoyed that experince it really really did happen, Just want every one to know Lett might be of the annointed but he is very human in the fart department..........praise the lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning worship comment from Bethel
by Smoky 84 Replies latest jw friends
how old is this bro. lett? has he got all his facilties or what? never ever have angels been used by God to judge peoples hearts. the bible tells us God is the judge of our hearts. sure angels were used to deliver messages but that was about all.
then on the other hand maybe these angels this bro is talking about are the members of the remnant who have already ascended to heaven. maybe they have been granted insight
and if the angels can judge us and read our hearts, why hasn't satan used this method to determine who he will take on his side. how stupid. satan can't read anything in our hearts and minds.
there must be something in their geritol at bethel. quick pass the koolaid.
if bro lett let one go at a meal he is so gross and unappreciative, its dispicable.
Orangefatcat has spoken!!
Pass me the pipe please.
Thankyou for this experience I LOVE HEARING ALL SIDES OF THE STORY - it keeps this board balanced
New Worldly Translation
How it really happened -
We knock at the fifth house and again no one is home. But a garbage truck passes by. The driver tells his co-worker, "There go those witnesses again.
The co-worker asks, "Aren't they the ones that don't accept blood transfusions?" "Yes", the driver replies. "They really are a shower of bastards and their kids look like midget Al Gore's. Now quit your yapping and haul some of that shit on the truck you lazy fuckwit!"Hold on though, before I left the dubs 3 years ago we were told the field service wasn't a judging work and it was wrong to think of ourselves or the angels as judging peoples heart condition. The judging only came at armageddon. Do I remember correctly?
Aren't we doing people a disservice by alerting them, and thus making them accountable..... when ignorance would have kept them safe?
Big Dog
ROFLMFAO at Shania's fart story.
"Aren't they the ones that don't accept blood transfusions?" "Yes", the driver replies. "But look how well dressed and well behaved their children are. I wish my children were the same."
so let me get this straight the garabage truck driver wishes that his children could dress nicely and behave well and not have life saving treatment if they have an accident and then die. Has anyone ever actually heard a father wish his children - however untidy or naughty - could be swapped for someone else's kids?
Them guys at Bethel and Brooklyn will say anything to keep people going out in FS and to keep up their ways to make money, push them books, push them magazines!!!!!
I never thought of this when I was in the borg, but do those guys and gals at Bethel go in FS??? and where?? when??
So: Steve Lett's father was the richest man in Alabama? I seem to remember another GB member (maybe there are more) who was an heir to something. Am I to believe this is just coincidence? Maybe I am just jaded but I do not believe this is a coincidence.
As Runningman and tijkmo both note, since when were angels able to "read someone's heart condition"?? Isn't that Jehovah's job??
Well, yes, at least according to the Bible:
1Ki 8:39
then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive and act and render to each according to all his ways, whose heart You know, for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men,Is Jehovah sub-contracting others of his jobs too? Like is he letting some lame-ass union angel decide the weather these days?? Has he sub-contracted out the accounting too?
Apparently so, since according to the JWs, he sub-contracted the entire work of creation to a being who was himself created.