The co-worker asks, "Aren't they the ones that don't accept blood transfusions?" "Yes", the driver replies. "But look how well dressed and well behaved their children are. I wish my children were the same." The angels make note of it.
They forgot the rest of the story. At the end of the street, the couple get into their car with their child. The garbage truck driver, busily observing the number of WT and AWakes in the garbage, strike the family's vehicle at full speed.
The mother and father are injured but all right, but the well dressed sustained a critical head injury from blunt impact of her head against the door.
The ambulance arrives with 4 minutes, mayhem ensues. They transport the 6 year old to the nearest hospital and the mother rides in the ambulance with them. The mother makes sure the Paramedics know they are JW, and starts a frantic plea when she hears the paramedic tell the ER to have two units of O Negative on hand for a tranfusion.
The JW mother forbids the order for blood. The Ministerial Servant father begins reciting scripture. Hospital personnell are stunned again as they watch another tragedy unfolding before them. The mother calls the Presiding Overseer, who calls the HLC Elder contact in his congregation. While the Dr. is trying to explain that in a trauma situation, minutes are critical and can be the difference between life and death, the HLC Elder is making a mad dash to the hospital to make sure another child is a WT Martyr.
One hour later, despite all the Saline and Ringers they have pumped into the child, she dies while the hopsital is trying to get a court order to save her life.
Mommy and Daddy hug each other and comfort each other with comments about the New System. Hospital Doctors and Nurses hate the parents and the stupidity of the religion and offer no comfort.
Three days later the child is buried in Field Service Clothes. Two months later, her face is on the cover of a Watchtower magazine about Blood Martyrs.
Oh yes, you'd better believe the angels are watching.
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