That was certainly a wonderful fantasy-world rendition of the preaching work. Here's a real-world version:
At the first door we knock at, a woman peeks through the window, sees it's us and doesn't open the door. She has spoken to us before and knows that if she starts a conversation, she will end up having a fruitless 45-minute "discussion" in which we will not concede points, even when we are clearly wrong. We mark it as a not at home, but the angels mark it as something else. The note they make in their book: "JWs reputation for dogmaticism precedes them."
The second door we knock at, no one is home since the husband and wife are both at work, but we leave a tract. At night, when the couple gets home and sees the tract, a conversation begins. "Can you believe there are people who actually think Satan rules the world? What a negative outlook!" The angels are watching and make note of it: "Far too positive to be JWs."
The third door we knock at, no one answers. This is because the woman at the first house called her friend at the third house and warned her that we were coming. She says, "Thanks, Julia. You know how busy I am with my three little ones. I can't be drawn into endless debates about fruit in magical gardens." We mark it as not at home, but the angels mark it as something else: "That damn story about the snake and the fruit was a bad marketing move. Discuss at next annual meeting."
We knock at the fourth house and no one is home. But the lady across the street sees us. The witnesses had knocked at her door last week, but she didn't listen because she used to be a Witness and already knows far more than she could ever want to. She says, "Those witnesses sure are indoctrinated. But they are very well dressed. Even their children are wearing tiny suits with tiny little neckties. They must hate that. What kid wears a suit? Maybe I should research cults and share the results with my neighbors." Again, the angels make note of it: "Lightening bolt through Steve Hassan's house, ASAP."
We knock at the fifth house and again no one is home. But a garbage truck passes by. The driver tells his co-worker, "There go those witnesses again.
The co-worker asks, "Aren't they the ones that don't accept blood transfusions or believe in science?" "Yes", the driver replies. "And they don't get involved with any kind of activities at school. They're basically social hermits. I'm glad my kids are socially well-adjusted, not to mention well-educated." The angels make note of it: "People seem to value community and education."
So on just these 5 houses, there may have been 5 not at homes, but look how many people the Witnesses were able to turn off. Now imagine how many people are being turned off everyday, all around the world.
This teaches us to continue making every effort to be active in the ministry and never become discouraged by not at homes or non-interested people. Just by being out there, we are aiding the demise of the organization.
Finally, Brother Lett mentioned that even if all of us became regular pioneers and just 1 person in the entire world responded to the truth and got baptized, it would be all worth it. But that is not the case. Everyday, hundreds of people are baptized all over the world.' He then encouraged us to be steadfast in refusing to think too much about the recent statistics in Westernized countries and their correlation to access to information, such as over the Internet.
Brother SNG