Do you consider yourself as being 'reasonable? '

by Golf 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    If I only had a Hammer I would not build a glass house!


  • missy04

    I don't know if I am always reasonable, altho I try to be. I think more often than not I tend to base decisions on emotions instead of facts.

  • bikerchic

    Golf good topic! In reading the title of this thread, to the question I immediately answered for myself YES! I am a reasonable person in my understanding of the definition of reasonable ie;

    Main Entry: rea·son·able
    Function: adjective
    1 a : being in accordance with reason, fairness, duty, or prudence b : of an appropriate degree or kind c : supported or justified by fact or circumstance <a reasonable belief that force was necessary for self-defense> d : COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE
    2 : applying reason or logic; broadly : RATIONAL 1 <a reasonable mind> ?rea·son·able·ness noun ?rea·son·ably adverb

    Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


    adj 1: showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person" [syn: sensible] [ant: unreasonable] 2: not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices" [syn: fair, fairish] 3: marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy" [syn: sane]

    For myself as defined by the above I feel I am fair with people to the extent I allow them to act or react within their own belief system, but I do open up a dialog with maybe there is another way of thinking/believing/behaving. As an example of this I may have more knowledge than another person in a particular area and offer my expertise to that person to do with what they may and the reverse for me is the same. I like to hear the other side of things especially by someone who is more experienced and learned in whatever than myself and explore another way to solve or create a solution. This for me helps me grow beyond what I was and hopefully the reverse is the same for the other person.

    I do subscribe to the belief that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink......I do like to lead the horse to the water in the sense of giving another point of view that maybe wasn't considered by them before. I also like to be lead to the water of information or knowledge again it helps me grow which is why I like to be around people who challenge me to look outside the box .

    That said one thing as I read this thread kept coming to my mind, a saying "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

    Being reasonable involves sensibleness, fairness, logic and sound judgment. Being reasonable comes with experience in life and in knowledge and we all can grow in knowledge, life experiences take time to build on which is why it's reasonable to listen to an older wiser person.

    The point of sanity also come into play with being reasonable. I've often heard it said that the definition of a sane person is one who can get along with the most diverse groups of people. Getting along with implies to me that you simply let people be what and whom they are which is why I also subscribe to the thought of live and let live. As long as what a person believes be it reasonable to my way of thinking or not, they have to live with it not me and I have no desire to beat myself to death trying to change another persons beliefs or thoughts or actions as long as it doesn't cause any harm to me or others which is where 1 a : being in accordance with reason, fairness, duty, or prudence comes into play.

    An example of this would be if you are with a person who has drank a bit too much and they were going to get into their car and drive home for their safety and others it would be prudent to take away their car keys and arrange for a taxi to take them home. I think that would qualify you as being a reasonable person acting in fairness duty and prudence.

    Whew.......yes I am a reasonable person IMHO.


  • minimus

    What Bikerchic said as in the definition......I'm reasonable. I don't fly off the handle just because a stupid person disagrees with me.

  • bikerchic
    What Bikerchic said as in the definition......I'm reasonable. I don't fly off the handle just because a stupid person disagrees with me.

    Awww in the voice of learn well grasshopper!

  • Golf

    Thanks Bikerchic, your example was good. About leading a horse to water? Let the horse suck on a salt cube for awhile and see what happens.


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