Hi it's me again. I know I just made one post, but I have another.
After the conversation with my bf tonight, I finally gave in and said I would sit down with a JW. I don't beleive the bs for one moment. I don't see the point in doing this, but if it will make my bf happy I'm willing to do it. I am bringing along with my (hopefully) my sister who is very strong in her faith and she is well versed in the bible.
My question is this: I want to prepare myself with some amo to stump the JW's with. Any ideas. I need to get some major points across to my bf about how JW's are not the way to go and their wrong and whatever else I can do to open his eyes. I want to go in with a long list of questions. I would apperciate anyones help on this one. I have some time because we still have to set this stupid thing up soo...