Dominoes Falling?

by Oroborus21 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oroborus21

    News today, president of Kyrgyz (stan) resigns and flees. First, Ukraine, now Kyrgy (stan), are we seeing a sweeping of democracy and change across eastern europe?

    Is Democracy itself the "Beast" of Revelations (and not the United Nations)? Didn't Satan say to Eve that she could be like God knowing both Good and Bad? In other words, isn't the issue whether man is capable of self-rule without God?

    And if so, what does it mean for the people to govern themselves? Isn't that the very definition of "Demo Cracy".

    Perhaps the end will come when EVERY nation on Earth is at least nominally a Democracy, thus succumbing to the lie of Satan and rejecting God's rule by way of Christ as the rightful King?


  • Undecided

    Democracy in the USA is like 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what they will have for dinner.

    Ken P.

  • jeanniebeanz


  • rekless

    If you are in favor of Theocracy then all you have to do is look at the system of the WTBTS, The Taliban. These are far more wicket than most governments, because there are still humans that mead out judgements that they think God approves...I think I will take democracy under a republic.

    Can you imagine those so-called Princes and judges set up by the WTBTS to run the so-called Paridise Earth.

  • Oroborus21

    Yes I can imagine it. I am writing a short-story/novella about it. Sort of.

    Anyway, the theocracy of the WTBTS/Organization is a false theocracy, self-constructed, self-appointed, self-coronated.

    I am not for that kind of false theocracy, but I am for a true theocracy ruled by Christ.


  • jeanniebeanz

    What is your definition 'true theocracy'?


  • Narkissos

    "God is the only being that, in order to rule, needn't even exist." (Charles Baudelaire)

  • Oroborus21


    by definition theocracy is "God Ruled or governed." I thus believe that the true theocracy is rulership/kingship/governance by Jesus Christ whom Almighty God, his Father, has installed in that position.

    I think Jesus and the scriptures are pretty clear that God's Kingdom is to be established "over the Earth" (i.e. the spiritual, non-material existent realm where God, Jesus and angelic creatures exist). But no visible outpost of that government (God's Kingdom) or any human representative will actually be upon the earth.

    The effects of Christ's rule will be manifested or felt upon the Earth (and any other future planets where Humans may one day dwell) but because there is no mediator between "man and God except Jesus" any claim that a person or group is "in-between" such relationship is false and thus it follows likewise any claim that such person, group of men or organization which is in such position holds some special authority would also be false.

    The taliban (islamic governments), WTBTS, or any other persons or groups that claim such a divine position are not real theocracies but only make the claim that they are so.


  • SixofNine

    Dont. Insult. Our. Intelligence.

  • Bas

    If the devil said that to eve then he must know bad and good himself. which implies that he is both bad and good. Just like god. This only leads to one conclusion: The devil = god

    thank god I'm an atheist otherwise this would be very confusing......

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