For Maximus: I'll ignore everyone else

by Rex B13 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    You asked, I delivered. What's up?

  • Michael3000

    There is no God, and the Bible was written by men. There. Now you have no argument.


  • WhyNow2000

    You said, "Distortions of Biblical truth are exactly what this forum promotes"

    Thank you for admitting what your forum is really all about. I like your honesty....keep it up.

  • trevor


    It's time you discovered alcohol. You have some brain cells that badly need to be killed off. Just like Armageddon, it will result in a better world inside your head. The trouble is, will it kill the right cells? And what if the survivors turn bad later on? Just kill them too. A few million dead cells later and you will have a perfect brain. Sorry if I sound harsh - it's just an idea I got from a magazine.

  • Skeptic

    What's the fuss, people? You are all good people. Do you hate Rex that much?

    Rex posted a message to a specific individual. It is a fairly common practice here, and was very common on the old H2O.

    Rex was polite. OK, some might take the title as being rude, but I could debate that. But the reactions were a bit overboard.

    Rex did not insult evolution, science, etc. in his post. He simply answered a question for Maximus.

    Rex gave his answer according to his interpretation of the Bible. This is a common religious practice, and is fairly normal for this board. There was nothing overly weird about his interpretation, at least nothing that should cause offense.

    One can tell by the post that Rex did not try to offend anyone, unless one is upset by his list of religions at the end (or the title). Rex was not pushy.

    Rex did say part was speculation. And he did say most of it was "guidelines", not hard-and-fast rules.

    Do I agree with Rex's post? Some yes, some no. This would be expected as I am an atheist and do not believe in the Bible.

    I know Rex's view of atheists. However, Rex has always been polite and respectful to me both in public and private.

    Richard, who is wondering what the fuss is about.

  • Tina

    Hello Skeptic,
    Maybe you missed other threads where rex insulted everyone who disagreed with him Too bad he doesnt show others the respect he showed you.. He shows a mean nasty character in those threads. If he can dish out insults and nasty names,he can take it too. That may be the reason many are not kindly disposed to him.

  • Trilobite


    It is an interesting exercise to compare Maximus' question with Rex's answer. I think you'll find that Rex yet again avoided the issue. Essentially his answer amounts to "I don't know and can't explain but you better believe me because I believe I'm right."

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    If you feel that I have been disrespectful of you then I apologize. I have been critical, sometimes rather blunt. My disprespect comes when people are vulgar for no good reason. I also do not respect people who use already answered atheistic questions like they are something new. Big Jim is a case in point.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Richard,
    This is a particularly vile bunch of people. They are so infatuated with being able to say ANYTHING (with the unmoderation here) that the vulgarities dominate at times.
    Some of our old gang from h2o seem to enjoy setting this kind of example and it is 'no class' in my book. It's like the old comedian comparison: some are just funny because of their intelligence and wit; others need to be vulgar to get a laugh.
    This place is full of the second type.
    I have to confess, my disdain and lack of patience has come to the surface too frequently. I also have trouble resisting the delivery of a good 'zinger'. Thanks for the input of common sense, old friend.

  • Skeptic

    Hi, Rex,

    >This is a particularly vile bunch of people.

    I respectfully, but strongly, disagree. From what I have seen of them, this board consists of very fine people. There are very few that I would not want as close friends.

    >They are so infatuated with being able to say ANYTHING (with the unmoderation here) that the vulgarities dominate at times.

    I understand if vulgarities bother you...I felt the same way when I was a believer. Now, they don't bother me much unless they are used to insult people, or are used in an extremely vulgar context.

    I use vulgar language in my speech regularly. I was forced not to use it as a youth, then as a believer. Now, I use such language by choice.
    Windrider does not like it, but tolerates it because she loves me so much. I try to stay away from really vulgar use of my tongue, simply because I don't like it.

    Rex, I do empathize with you in this regard. However, the occasional use of vulgar language does not mean the person is bad.

    Also, Rex, keep in mind that Seeker is right that social context is what makes a word vulgar. Christians today use language that I got slapped out for using in my youth. This is not wrong, it is just that the language has changed.

    Unlike others I do believe some words are vulgar; they are vulgar because our social context says so.

    Most women do not mind being called a lady; yet, I worked for a company that had a written list of words we could not use: lady was one of the forbidden words. We could actually be fired if we called a woman a lady.

    Also, did you know that saying, "Jesus is the Son of God" to a Muslim is one of the most disgusting things you can say to them? It makes sense when you learn the Muslim meaning of the word son.

    >I have to confess, my disdain and lack of patience has come to the surface too frequently. I also have trouble resisting the delivery of a good 'zinger'.

    We are all guilty of that.

    >Thanks for the input of common sense, old friend.

    You are welcome. I know many don't like you, and I know the reasons why. You did not deserve the response you got in this thread.

    Take care my friend. I will write you privately this week.


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