Alleymom said to scholar pretendus:
: Do you mean that all the foreign language translations of the NWT are translations from the English NWT into the receptor language rather than from Hebrew and Greek into the receptor language?
That is essentially correct. The Watchtower Society decided that the English NWT was so accurate that it was virtually a replacement for the original texts, and issued an edict that all non-English versions would be translated from the English one. The only partial exception to this that I'm aware of is the French version, which does deviate from the English in certain critical ways. The French one is more faithful to the originals so far as I can tell.
: If so, these are NOT real translations of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures.
: Good grief! I am horrified.
As well you should be. It's this attitude of reverence for the translator, Fred Franz, and for other WTS leaders, that leads to the kind of scholastic dishonesty that is the main characteristic of Watchtower publications.