Your Most Embarrassing Moment as a JW!

by whyamihere 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    7th grade...... kids all knew i was a jw.. no birthday, no xmas, no holidays of anykind.....

    gym class...... we're all gathered to run up and down the bleachers ( i was like 4ft tall and these were HIGH bleachers impossible for me to RUN up and down on) i tell the coach.. " i cant run up the bleachers" and one of my friends says jokingly " WHY is it against your religion?" and the WHOLE class whips their heads around to me with their jaws dropped , and i was about to die! NOT EVERYTHING IS AGAINST MY RELIGION! geeze.

  • Leolaia

    Unconsciously, I guess.

  • Shania

    Too many to mention, but my most recent happened at the memorial the other night......after a couple of dry martini's we went to the lords meal......feeling happy--------well when I got out of the car backside toward the parking attends, my skirt was all bunched up, yep you guessed it my undies were showing for all the spiritual brothers to see................finally when I realized it I fixed it and apoligied to one brother, he said "I didn't see a thing"---------translation "I saw France I saw someones underpants"-----------well that was it. I was a little embarrased but not much...............the end.

  • Elsewhere
    "I saw France I saw someones underpants"

    lol... I always liked:

    Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There! Underwear! Under There!

    (Just keep saying it over and over....)

  • HappyDad

    There was this guy in the KH who was my age and he was somewhat "strange". The clothes he wore were never color coordinated, so you might see him with green pants and orange socks, etc.

    He dressed like this in field service too! So one of those Saturday being the good elder.......I had no choice but to work with him. The very first door, a guy answers and this bro said in a voice so loud, that he could be heard out on the street by the other JW's........


    The guy just looked at me and grinned. I wanted to crawl away, I was so embarresed. The bro then went into his spiel.

    After a few more houses (he tried a different approach after that first house) we switched partners and the elder I then worked with said...."I'm glad I wasn't with him when he did that!"

    NEVER AGAIN!!!!!

    It's strange.......that as JW's we were forced to associate with people so wierd....people we would not even dream of associating with, given any choice of our own.


  • kazar

    This was so long ago I don't remember the book we were in at the weekly book study. I was still pretty new (not baptized - about 17 years old) and there were other same age people there as well. The subject was how Jehovah would protect his people at Armageddon as he did with Jonah in the whale. In this book, there was a story about a man who had been actually swallowed by a whale, became a lunatic and died from the experience, unlike Jonah whom Jehovah had protected and rescued. The study overseer asked a young brother "who was it that came out of the whale a raving maniac? The brother answered "Jonah!" I started laughing and simply could not stop. The thought of it haunted my mind for the entire hour and I tried to stifle the laughter but could not even with tears pouring out of my eyes, and the study continued without pause, just like the piano player in a western movie.

    It has been great fun reading all of your experiences here. You are all one healthy witty group.

  • Sparkplug

    My Best Friend Critter and I were giving a talk...and I am not sure how it started, but one of us got the giggles and soon it was a full blown snort-a-thon. We laghed for the whole talk... at least 3 of the 5 minutes and nothing could get us composed. Every time we would stop.. The other would make that high pitched squeal of someone trying to stifle a laughh. eeeeeeehhhhh BWAAAAAA HAAAA HAAA and it was on againn. I actually had my head on the table and proceeded to pound the table with my fist like any true emotionally free person would. Our makeup ran, our garters popped and my stomache hurt for a week.

    The school conductor wa such a nerd that he actually tried to grade us on the little we said. Something to the effect of perhaps having the thought flow more smoothlty......

    (I still can hardly type this without breaking into laughter.)

  • mkr32208

    when my brother was about 4 he was in the bathroom and for some reason decided that he needed to get completely naked to have a bm... Then he couldnt' get redressed so he ran up to the front ot the hall to find my parents so they could help him get his clothes back on...

    Meeting kids I knew in service was always terrible!

    I had lots of embarrassing stuff as a kid... Talking about the pictures in the my book of bible stories and the beautiful Cantaloupe

    Strange days with strange fellows thats for sure!

  • Purza
    When we got off the stage and back in our seats the real embarrassment began. The brother got up on stage and was quiet for a while, he looked a little confused. Then he proceeded to tell me that I must have looked in the wrong book to prepare the talk because that was not suppose to be what the talk was about.

    Holy crap Sphere -- that has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read. ROTFLMAO


  • seawolf

    I went to jump off the stage (instead of taking the steps) and I tripped and fell. lol

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