Things you find out when you go to a meeting...

by JH 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Preston
    Things you find out when you go to a meeting....

    - Where the bathroom is

    - What the maximum capacity is

    - If they are up to code with the city fire marshall

    - How many conspicuously placed contribution boxes there (7 in mine)

    - Who "sits in the back"

    - Which young couple's child gets called on the most for giving "the one word answer"

    - Who sings the loudest

    - Who dresses like a skank

    - How many disabled people there are in the hall that get treated like dog poo

    - Which elder / ministerial servant likes to incorporate new material (jokes) into their talk

    - How long the meeting really is (10 minutes over, 15 minutes over, 20?....)

    - Preston

  • Jez

    We left church on Sunday, my husband and I were commenting how great it was, so peaceful, loving etc. We really enjoyed husband says that he never felt that way coming out of a KH, that he felt agitated and angry. (he was/is a non-JW btw)...our daughter pips up from the back and says, "I was happy after the meetings at the KH." We are like "Wha?" She smiles and says, "I was happy that it was finally over."

    I think that pretty well sums up how the majority of JWs feel after a meeting.


  • BrendaCloutier

    Yes, JH, anyone who would go to 2, count them 2 meetings at 2, count them 2 different congregations is a *weirdo* by your own words.

    <giant grin>

    Hugs and love to that rabit rat!

  • BrendaCloutier
    Things you find out when you go to a meeting....

    I havent been to a Kingdom Hall in over a quarter of a century! I think the first things I would find out are:

    Where is the restroom

    Where are the other exits (how many rows forward are they?)

    Why the hell am I here?

  • Shania

    Flash good point you make about the good elders being over worked aka dumped on with all the work.. Of course they get down they are only human. My hubby always need a little taste of medicine on his ride home (if you know what I mean) and I didn't blame him for needing it. You find out all the gossip at the meetings if you are in with the right group, I want you to know witness are worse than the world with some of there behavior.....bad,bad,bad,...............not me though

  • kls

    If and that is a huge if ,i walked into a jw meeting the first thing that i would think is,,,I SEE STUPID PEOPLE.

  • Flash


    My hubby always need a little taste of medicine on his ride home (if you know what I mean) and I didn't blame him for needing it. You find out all the gossip at the meetings if you are in with the right group, I want you to know witness are worse than the world with some of there behavior

    I'm sorry about your husband, perhaps he should resign for his (and your) own happiness. Yes, many of the Witnesses are nothing more than hypocrites. Matthew 7:1-5

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