I am currently writing a research paper on why people become JWs. I would greatly appreciate it if many of you fine people could tell me the reason(s) why you joined the JWs. Those of you born to JW parents, please chime in also.
I need Help on a Research Project
by JustMeNonJDub 20 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, I was born into it; brainwashed from an early age.
Have You Seen My Mother
franklin J
my parents converted when I was a year old in 1957. I suspect they converted because they were not happy with the Catholic Church; and I also suspect it gave them something RIGID to cling to in what may have been, at the time they converted, a very shaky marriage.
They were married for 60 years
I was born into it. My Dad was born into it...his parents became witnesses along with a group of friends who had immagrated from Sweden. My mom converted because she was looking for answers. Someone she loved died, and the jws were there at the right time with what sounded like all the right answers.
Dad became a witness after coming home from Vietnam, and mom is not a witness. As a child I had to go with him, but then stopped as I got older. He always made me feel guilty for not going, and it did bother me that I was not active. After my college football days were cut short, I thought it was for the best to really look into the religion. Got involved with a "good witness girl" and just got trapped in the pressure.
i was born to it
I was impressed (at 15, not hard to impress a 15-year-old) with how they could "prove" that other religions were wrong and "prove" that they were right. I naively failed to check out their proofs with the other religions, I just read it from the Bible and accepted it. The fact that this was just their interpretation never occured to me, and since they constantly referred to it as "the truth", I bought it hook-line-sinker-and-pole.
Born into it: peer pressure reinforced by lack of choices. How do you spelled T-R-A-P-P-E-D?
I was 17 when I met the Witnesses. I was already married with one child. I had been raised a strict Catholic (hated it) and had left Catholicism. I was looking for security for my family and when I heard of the "Paradise Earth" and all that went with it I believed I had found it. Much to my dismay.
Robert K Stock
I was 14 when my mother married an inactive Witness. After many conversations with my step father and reading several Watchtower Society books I was convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses knew the Bible better then any church I had ever attended.
This seeming adherence to the Bible was the reason I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It would be 17 years before I understood that the Witnesses place their organization's theology above the plain spoken words of the Bible.