I'm sitting here with great trepidation at being here. I logged in yesterday, compelled by I don't know what...maybe to see who was around, or what everyone had been up to. I hadn't logged in since I left back in November (December?). It feels somewhat comfortable. I don't even really know what to say. I think I know in part what was going on back then, why I felt I had to go. Maybe I'm back to see if it still applies. I've been DA'd just over a year now. Life is good...really good on the whole. Every once in awhile though, I go through facets of "stuff" whether ex-JW in nature or as a part of grieving loss. I don't know. So I'm testing the waters and trying again. I'm going to put less pressure on myself and this place to be something that it can't (shouldn't?) be. And try to enjoy it for what it is. (Oh dear, just had a huge qualm that everyone will be sitting there saying "who the h3ll is that?")
Trying again...
by CeriseRose 35 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Cerise, good to see you again. No WTH here...
take it easy.
Glad to see you.
I'm glad you wandered back in and I hope you'll stay awhile. Pull up a comfy chair!
Welcome back!
Hi CeriseRose -
You took a break JUST as I was joining.
Glad you popped back in. Nice to 'meet' you.
Hi Cerise ,i remember you and i am glad you came back and really hope you feel more at home here this time.
I'm glad to see you back. I for one was sad to see you leave.... it sounded like you thought your posts weren't appreciated. I hope you find what you are looking for here, and have fun!
Welcome back!!
Have You Seen My Mother
Welcome! Don't worry, we all go through ex-JW 'stuff.'